You're okay

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"I think we're carrying on." Lucy said, walking up to her siblings, Susan sat playing with the grass, Peter sat leant against a tree and Edmund laying in Peter's arms, still fast asleep.
Peter nodded a little at Lucy before looking down at his little brother. "He looks exhausted." He muttered. "Even when he's sleeping."
"We need to wake him if we're going to carry on Pete." Susan said, aware of everyone finishing their conversations and getting ready to continue the journey.
Peter hesitated, running his thumb gently across Edmund's cheek bone, sighing a little and not answering his sister.
"Peter." Susan mumbled.
"He needs to sleep." Peter all but whispered, now playing with Edmund's hair.
"We'll probably have a few more stops before we stop for the night." Susan said slowly. "He can sleep then."
"I don't wanna wake him." Peter said, his voice quiet.
"We're leaving Peter." Susan sighed.
"I'll -" Peter paused. "I'll carry him then."
Susan frowned and glanced worriedly at Lucy who just sighed. "Don't be silly Peter." Susan said. "You can't carry him."
"Watch me." Peter said firmly, tightening his grip around his still fast asleep brother.
"Your majesties."
The three awake children looked up to see a brown horse stood infront of them, Philip.
"Yes?" Susan asked politely.
"Why don't I take your brother?" Philip offered.
Peter instinctively pulled Edmund closer to him, causing his brother to let out a groan and bury his face against Peter's neck.
"He could ride on my back?" Philip said after a while of silence following Edmund's groan.
Susan glanced questioningly at Peter. "Come on Pete." She said after he'd given her a quick shake of his head. "You can't possibly carry him all the way."
Peter stared at her, before glancing at Lucy who slowly nodded. "She is right you know." She muttered.
"Well he's not exactly heavy." Peter mumbled. "Definitely not as heavy as I'd like him to be."
Susan sighed. "He'll get his appetite back." She said. "I understand that he's probably feeling rather sick."
"It's not just him not eating." Peter said. "She starved him."
Susan sighed. "I know Peter." She said. "Look come on." She went back to trying to persuade her brother. "Let Philip take Edmund."
Peter clearly hesitated.
"You can stay by his side the whole journey." Susan tried. "You don't have to leave him."
Peter said nothing for a while but in the end finlay gave in. He nodded silently before lifting Edmund into his arms.
Edmund immediately frowned in his sleep, letting out a small whimper and burying his face against Peter's chest.
Peter swallowed hard and Susan helped him to get Edmund onto Philip's back. Once Peter was satisfied that he wasn't going to fall off he slowly let go of him, allowing Edmund's head to fall against the horses neck.
"Shouldn't all that of woken him up?" Lucy asked worrdily. "I know he's a deep sleeper and all but still-" She trailed off, glancing up at Peter.
"That's how tired he is." Peter all but whispered, and without another word he and Philip began walking after the rest of the group.
Susan sighed and grabbed Lucy hand, giving it a little squeeze before the two ran off after their brothers.
Peter walked by Philip the whole time, keeping his hand securely on Edmund's shoulder. They'd been walking for about an hour (Lucy in that time had made friends with a group of squirrels) when Edmund finaly started to stir.
He let out a groan, not properly awake as Peter squeezed his shoulder.
All of a sudden though Edmund cried out and with a loud thud fell off of Philip and onto the floor.
Peter ran around the horse and knelt by his brother, who groaned slightly as his eyes opened.
"Ed?" Peter asked worridley as Edmund let out a few weak coughs.
Edmund glanced over at his brother and nodded a little, struggling to sit up. Peter helped him in the end and then Edmund stood, much to Peter's concern.
Edmund stood there for a moment, gripping Peter's elbow with one hand and - to Peter's extreme worry - his stomach with the other. "Edmund you okay?" Peter asked.
Edmund looked up at him. "I think so." He mumbled. "Just - a bad dream."
Peter sighed and nodded slowly.
"Where are the girls?" Edmund asked after a moment.
"They're ahead somewhere." Peter said, noticing that some of the Narnian's had stopped to see what was going on.
Edmund nodded and began walking, Peter quickly catching him up and wrapping an arm around his waist for support.
"I'm fine Peter." Edmund insisted, rubbing at his eyes. "Really."
Peter nodded. "Sure." He said, sounding unimpressed. He knew that that fall must of really hurt his brother, but he didn't know why Edmund didn't just say.
"How long was I asleep?" Edmund asked as they managed to catch up with the rest of the group, Philip still walking by their side.
"We've been walking again for around an hour." Peter replied.
Edmund frowned. "Why didn't you wake me?" He asked.
Peter sighed. "Because you're exhausted Eddy." He mumbled. "You need to sleep."
"Getting stabbed really took it out of me eh?" Edmund said, attempting a laugh to lighten the mood. But it didn't work.
Peter swallowed hard. "You could say that." He said, deadly serious.
Edmund's smile disappeared as he sighed. "Sorry." He mumbled, knowing that it was the wrong thing to joke about.
Peter sighed. "It's alright." He mumbled.
Edmund nodded and the two fell silent as they continued walking.
After another four to five hours walking and another few stops Aslan announced that they'd be stopping for the night.
Glad at the news Edmund sat down and leant against a tree, but almost as soon as he did his eyes squeezed shut and he moved quickly away.
Peter sighed, kneeling in front. "Lashes?" He whispered, making sure nobody heard, especially not Susan who wasn't that far away from them, chatting to Orious.
Edmund sighed and slowly shook his head. "Memories." He mumbled. "I take it, if you were there when I was brought into camp, Orious told you -" Edmund paused, swallowing hard. "How she kept me at her camp."
Peter froze for just a moment before he nodded his head. "Yeah." He whispered. "He told me. She tied you to a tree? And gagged you?"
Edmund nodded, cringing visibly.
Peter sighed and leant against the tree, pulling Edmund into his arms, so close that he was practically sitting in his lap. "She's dead." He whispered into his brother's ear.
Edmund nodded slowly. "I know." He mumbled.
Peter nodded slowly and placed a gentle kiss on his brothers head, just as a group of Narnians managed to get a fire lit, which he was really glad of seeming as Edmund had started to shiver. "Get some sleep." Peter said quietly.
Edmund hesitated.
"If you dream I'll wake you up straight away alright?" Peter added firmly.
Edmund nodded and cuddled close to Peter, resting his head against his chest and slowly closing his eyes, but the second he did he flinched and they shot back open again.
"Ed?" Peter asked. "What's wrong?"
Edmund sighed. "I just sometimes get like, jolts of pain go through my stomach is all." He said in a whisper.
Peter sighed as he literally heard the pain in Edmund's voice. "You're okay." He whispered into his ear as Edmund's eyes slowly closed again. "Everything's okay."
After a long while of Peter's whispering and him gently stroking his hair out of his eyes, Edmund eventually fell into a deep sleep.


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