Three words that mean everything

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"Susan?" Peter asked as he walked up behind his sister, who was talking to a group of fauns.
Susan frowned and turned to him. "Yes?" She asked.
"Have you seen Ed?" Peted asked quickly.
Susan frowned. "He's not with you?" She said, sounding slightly shocked.
"He was with me." Peter muttered. "But I turn my back for two seconds and he disappears!"
Susan sighed. "No I haven't seen him." She said. "But I'm sure he's not gone far."
Peter sighed but nodded and thanked her before walking across the crowded room to Lucy. "Lu?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah?" Lucy smiled up at him.
"You haven't seen Ed at all have you?" Peter asked.
Lucy seemed to be thinking for a moment before she nodded slowly. "I saw him leaving the room around ten minutes ago." She replied.
Peter frowned. "Leaving the room?" He said, unable to hide the worry in his voice.
"Yeah." Lucy said with a nod of her head.
Peter sighed. "Thanks." He mumbled before turning and leaving. He once again weaved his way through everyone and quietly slipped out of the room. He began walking down corridors, and within a minute knew that he was lost. He searched for Edmund for what felt like ages, and by this time he was starting to worry.
But soon he came to a small balcony, and stood outside, leaning against the railing, was Edmund.
Peter sighed in relief. "Ed." He mumbled.
Edmund took a deep breath and turned to face his brother as he stepped onto the balcony. "Hey." He said, forcing a smile.
"Why did you leave?" Peter asked, standing beside his brother.
Edmund shrugged. "Guess it's just a little, overwhelming is all." He said quietly, looking back out over the woods.
Peter nodded slowly. "Alright." He sighed. "But next time let me know if you're going to disappear, I was getting worried."
Edmund bit his lip. "You were busy talking." He mumbled quietly, not looking at his brother.
"I know." Peter muttered. "But I still would've rather you told me."
"Sorry." Edmund apologized quickly.
Peter frowned a little. "It's fine." He said, leaning against the railing slightly. It was only then that he noticed Edmund wasn't wearing his crown, and instead was holding it in his hand, so tightly his knuckles had gone white.
Peter sighed, turning to Edmund and gently taking the crown from him. Edmund turned to Peter and frowned a little, but there was also a look of guilt in his eyes.
Peter smiled a little and gently placed the crown back on Edmund's head. "You deserve this." He repeated, nodding his head slightly.
Edmund sighed, swallowing hard as he looked down at the ground. "I-" He choked before stopping. "I don't think everyone else thinks I do." He said eventually.
Peter frowned. "What do you mean?" He asked.
Edmund bit his lip. "Atleast half the people at the party were either ignoring me or avoiding me altogether." He said in barely more than a whisper.
"And why does it matter what everyone else thinks?" Peter said calmly, his hand now on Edmund's shoulder. "You've been forgiven by Aslan, isn't that all that matters?"
Edmund wanted to shake his head and say that the only thing that mattered to him was his older brothers forgiveness, but instead he nodded. "I guess." He choked.
"They'll see in time how sorry you are." Peter reassured him. "And learn to love and trust their king."
Edmund swallowed hard, taking a deep breath before looking back out over the wood, his eyes closing slowly.
"What's wrong?" Peter asked softly, keeping his hand firmly on his brother's shoulder.
Edmund's eyes opened and he shook his head slightly. "Just tired." He mumbled.
Peter sighed. "What's wrong?" He repeated.
Edmund frowned. "I said I'm just tired." He said quietly.
"I know you're not just tired Ed." Peter said, a small frown on his face.
Edmund stared at him for a moment before looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry." He whispered.
Peter took a deep breath before sighing. "I know you are Eddy." He mumbled. "But you don't have to keep saying it."
"I do." Edmund said quickly. "What I did, is and should be unforgivable."
"It's not unforgivable." Peter said, shaking his head.
"There's no excuse for what I did." Edmund said, looking up at Peter. "And I got what I deserved."
Peter froze. "What?" He whispered.
Edmund bit his lip. "I deserved everything the witch did to me." He said maybe a little to firmly. "Especially after everything I did."
Peter took a deep breath. "You listen to me and you listen to me good." He said firmly, forcing back his tears. "You did not deserve any of that!"
Edmund stared at him. "But I betrayed you." He mumbled.
"It still doesn't mean you deserve all of that torture Ed!" Peter exclaimed.
"You're right." Edmund nodded. "I deserved something far worse, I deserved death."
Peter's eyes filled with tears. "You do not deserve death!" He said quickly.
"I do!" Edmund said, raising his voice. "All traitors deserve death!"
"Not you." Peter said, shaking his head.
"Yes, me!" Edmund argued. "I'm a traitor and will always be a traitor!"
"You are not a traitor Edmund." Peter said firmly.
"Edmund Pevensie you are not a traitor!" Peter said, now gripping both Edmund's shoulders a little too tightly. "You made a mistake, and more than made up for it."
Edmund opened his mouth to protest but Peter cut him off.
"You nearly died, saving my life." He choked. "You broke the witches wand and saved so many people, and it almost cost you your own life. If that doesn't make up for what you did then I don't know what will!"
Edmund stared at him, mouth open slightly and tears in his eyes.
"Ed you're my brother." Peter said. "No matter what you do, I love you. I love you so so much and-"
And then came the three words that Edmund had wanted to hear since the second he'd been taken to Aslan's camp.
The words made Edmund burst into tears and fly into Peter's arms.
Peter swallowed hard, wrapping his arms around his brother and pulling him close, lifting him right off the floor.
Edmund cried into Peter's shoulder even as the two sunk to the hard marble floor, clinging onto him as if he'd never let go.
Peter would never, ever know what those words meant to him.
They meant everything.
"I forgive you."

- The End -

I finished it! But I might add an epilogue on the end I dunno yet!
But I really hope you enjoyed this book, let me know what you thought in the comments!
Love you all

Nina xox

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