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"They're having a bonfire soon." Susan said as she popped her head into the boys tent, seeing Edmund curled up in Peter's arms. "Just thought I'd let you know."
Peter nodded. "Thanks." He said. "We'll be out in a minute."
Susan smiled slightly before disappearing.
Peter looked down at Edmund. "Coming?" He asked.
Edmund shrugged. "Sure." He said with a weak smile as he very slowly pulled away from his brother.
Peter kept a hand on his shoulder as the two stood and made their way outside where they spotted Susan and Lucy sat around what looked like the start of what would be a bonfire.
Lucy smiled when she spotted her brothers, and quickly patted the grass beside her.
Edmund smiled a little and walked over to sit beside her, Peter following and sitting beside Edmund.
Lucy immediately wrapped her arms around Edmund, burying her face into his shoulder.
Edmund hid a flinch and wrapped his arms around Lucy, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
"You haven't seen Aslan at all have you?" Susan asked, frowning slightly.
Lucy pulled away from Edmund as Peter shook his head. "Not since the witch-" He trailed off as he glanced at Edmund, who had taken a deep breath and looked down at the floor. "Well, you know." He mumbled.
"Weird." Lucy said. "No one else has seen him since then either."
"What - What was the promise that the - the witch mentioned?" Edmund choked, looking up at Peter.
Peter sighed and shook his head. "I don't know." He mumbled.
Edmund bit his lip gently, sighing.
"It doesn't matter what the promise was." Peter said after a long while of silence. "All that matters is that the witch is gone and you're safe."
Edmund nodded a little, glancing over at the bonfire as it finaly lit.
"Good job." Susan said with a small laugh. "It's dark already."
Lucy smiled a little as she watched the fire getting bigger,  leaning against Susan. Susan smiled and wrapped her arms tightly around her little sister.
Edmund stayed where he was, crossing his legs as he stared at the fire.
Peter stared at him for a while before placing a hand on his shoulder, causing Edmund to turn around and frown at him.
Peter smiled slightly and held out his arm.
Edmund smiled back and curled into his brothers arms, resting his head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around Peter's waist.
"Love you." Peter suddenly whispered, causing Edmund to let out a small choked sound. "Love you too." He said, his voice cracking.
Peter smiled and tightened his grip around Edmund's shoulders, before turning back to the bonfire, not missing the fact that both Susan and Lucy were smiling at them.
After a good half an hour a faun walked slowly up to them. "The food is ready your majesties." He said, bowing his head slightly.
Susan smiled a little, although she looked a little uncomfortable at having been called 'your majesty'. "Thank you." She said.
The faun nodded and walked away.
Susan smiled a bit more and looked down at her sister. "You hungry?" She said.
"You bet." Lucy grinned.
Susan gave a quiet chuckle before turning around to her brothers, only for her face to fall when she did.
"Pete." She sighed, staring at her older brother as he watched the bonfire.
"Hmm?" Peter said, looking over at Susan.
"Ed's fallen asleep." Susan mumbled, nodding at Edmund, who was as she had said was fast asleep.
Peter bit his lip. "Shall we wake him for food?" He asked hesitantly.
Susan thought for a moment. "No." She said eventually. "If he needs anything, it's sleep. We can easily save him something if he wakes up."
Peter nodded a little, tightening his grip around Edmund.
"Me and Lucy will go get some food for all of us." Susan said, standing and brushing down her dress. "You stay here with Ed." She added as she grabbed Lucy's hand and walked off, Lucy following hesitantly behind.
Peter sighed quietly as he watched them go, before glancing back down at his brother.
Every traitor belongs to me, his blood is my property
Peter swallowed hard, slowly closing his eyes.
That boy will die, on the stone table, as is tradition
Peter forced back his tears as he tried to push the memories from his head.
You have a traitor in your midst Aslan
Peter's eyes slowly opened as he looked down at his brother, who was still sleeping soundly with his head rested on Peter's shoulder.
You have a traitor in your midst Aslan
Peter quickly shook his head, swallowing hard.
"Don't think about it." He muttered to himself, just before Edmund let out a content sigh and curled in on himself, moving closer to Peter.
Peter smiled a little, wrapping his arms tightly around his little brother.
His little brother.
Peter sighed. Edmund was his brother. No matter what, he loved him. But he couldn't understand why it was so hard to just forgive him. He made a mistake, everyone does.
All of a sudden there was a loud crack from the bonfire and Edmund sat bolt upright, gasping as his eyes went wide.
Peter quickly sat up straight and placed a hand on Edmund's shoulder. "Ed." He mumbled.
Edmund's head whipped around to look at Peter, a look of fear on his face.
"It's okay." Peter said quietly. "It was just the bonfire."
Edmund swallowed hard as he relaxed, sighing to himself.
"Alright?" Peter asked.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He breathed.
Peter nodded slowly before Susan and Lucy came back, carrying four plates between them.
"You're awake." Susan said, looking a bit shocked but smiling anyway.
Edmund only nodded in reply to his sister, before shuffling backwards and leaning against a log that was behind them.
Lucy beamed at her brothers. "Just in time for food!" She said, sitting down quickly.
Peter smiled at his little sister, chuckling a little bit.
"Just in time." Susan said with a laugh as Edmund attempted a smile, even though he looked as though he were about to fall asleep again, and Peter noticed this.
"Have something to eat Ed." He said softly. "And then we'll get you to bed."


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