Encounter 2: Family Feud

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @Annieviz, who asked for an update of this story. I was originally planning to hoard chapters before I update but her message made my resolution crumble down. Hahaha!

Thanks for supporting! This will be quite long, 3k+ words LOL. This chapter is necessary for the good development of the story. Feel free to type in your speculation. Enjoy!


"I'm telling you he's not a threat. You are competing with the wrong guy." Spark was speaking with Third through his phone.

"No! I still don't trust that kid. He's too...annoying. Just get him away from P'In. But...how long are you going to stay there? You're neglecting me too much!" like a kid, Third still can't let go of the fact that Spade was hanging around his lover, In.

"I'm doing my job here. Besides, you have Ai'Pong and Ai'Dew with you there so I don't need to worry. I'll go back when it deemed necessary. I'll be sending you the details of my report on your e-mail."

"That's the problem! Those bastards are treating me like slaves! Okay, I'll check on it later."

"Hahaha! The last time I checked, you also told me that I'm making you my slave. Stop being a baby and do your job Mr. CEO or else I need to report your tantrums to your beloved senior."

"Oi! I'll call you later, I have many things to do. Bye!"

As expected, it became so much easier for Spark to blackmail his friend using his lover's name.

The reason why Spark was in Thailand is not only because he was tasked to look over for In but it has something to do with their business. TR3In is slowly making its name in the international community and they wanted to have some deal with companies in Thailand. Of course, he needs to gather information first about the prospect company. Nevertheless, he was also enjoying his time.

For about two days, Spark became busy because he was closely watching In or sometimes he would accompany the man during lunch or dinner. He didn't go to the Industrial Circle where he usually spent his time observing the companies within the vicinity. He's also preoccupied with settling some matters with TR3In's investors. Mostly, it is his job to negotiate with them because he is fluent in French.

When his schedule got a little free, he decided to visit the circle again. Like usual, he sat on the same bench where it almost looks like it's his own. He bought some coffee and bread and brought his sketchpad and a few pencils.

He started to draw some lines while chewing bread and sipping coffee. The morning sunlight was very good, not too hot but balancing the cold wind touching his skin.


A voice shouted. Spark wanted to ignore it but he seems kind of familiar to that particular voice. Nevertheless, he decided not to turn around but instead he continued to draw.

"What the hell? Are you playing hide and seek?" it seems like the owner of the voice was just behind him.

"No, I'm playing cool. Why are you so noisy early in the morning?"

The man who was shouting took the vacant spot beside him and sit. "Why are you here now?"

"Can't I be here?"

"No..but...you're not here for the past two days!"

"So? I don't need to be here everyday. I'm homeless right? I stroll around too."

That made the man beside him shut his mouth. Spark took a peak using his peripheral vision. Funny as it look like but he is seeing a grown-up man in his twenties, a deputy manager to boot, sulking with his lips pouted a little bit. He can't help but chuckle at that.

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