Encounter 19: Moving Forward

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A/N: Gosh, this covid19 is making me update 3x now for this week. Hahaha! But keep safe everyone. Though I have too many papers to check, whenever I think of this couple, I can't help myself but to write about them.

New cover for FStS btw. hehe


"What are your plans now?" Ivan who was drinking his coffee asked Spade.

"Well, I want to go back to Codex. I'll reapply. If they will take me again, I'll be happy but if not I'll try another company."

"Why don't you just stay with Mammoth? You don't have to worry about anything, we will provide what you need."

"Ivan, I know that I'll be under your watch since I've been involved with you all and Mammoth might be worried I'll spill something about you guys but I promise I won't. I will not betray the organization that saved my life."

"Are you sure you don't want to be part of us?"

"Yes. I'm sure. I'm not seeing myself living in the black world. But, if Mammoth needs any of my service, as long as I can, I'll be willing to help."

"Fine. I don't want to let you go but if that's what you have decided on, who am I to get in your way?"

"Thank you so much, Ivan. I owe you and the Mammoth my life."

"Stop being cheesy. Just like what Jian said, it's also our responsibility."

That day, Spade went out together with Ivan who insisted coming with him to check on his old house to see if it was still in good condition. When they arrived at the place where Spade used to live, it was still the same. He inquired to the real estate agent if someone already brought it.

"No. Someone went here to actually pay for it, not to buy it but to prevent it from being brought by anyone else aside from the last owner." the agent stated.

"Do you perhaps have the name of that person?"

"No. But, are you interested in taking it?"

Spade was curious as to who might have done something like this but nevertheless, he was happy that it was still available.

"Well, yes, I'm the previous owner of this house. I would like to have it back."

He showed some documents and proof that he was the former owner of the house and after some time, he was able to actually buy back the house.

"Happy?" Ivan can't help but also feel happy for Spade who was smiling from ear to ear after they got the documents stating his ownership to his old house.

"Yes! Very. But, who was that person who paid for its reservation?"

"Your family, perhaps? Do you want me to look after it?"

"No need. What's important right now is that I have it back again."

They were walking in the sidewalk and a car approaching with a lightning speed made Ivan yanked Spade by pulling him through his waist to avoid the possibility of being dragged by the car.

"You okay?"

"Whoa. Thanks. That car was overspeeding."

Spade can hear Ivan clicking his tongue then the next thing he sees, he is talking to someone on the phone.

"I'll handle that one. How about we have lunch?"

"Good idea."

They went to a nearby italian restaurant and ordered their food. While waiting, Spade remembered something.

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