Encounter 15: Finding a Ghost

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A/N: A reminder, the story is fictional, so if there are things that are quite not realistic, just blame it on the word "fiction" LOL

Alright, let's not cry over this chapter. I hope this will enlighten us all.

"Am I even alive now? I think I already stopped breathing when I lost him." - Spark Davignon


Six months have passed since Spade disappeared. Some thought he was already dead but his family and Spark still believe that he wasn't. When the Daojatti family received the investigation report from Spark, Spade's mother broke down in tears, his father fainted not being able to accept it at all. His siblings, Dias threw a fit; Heart threatened Spark if he was lying; and finally, Clover got too shocked that she was not able to react not until after three days.

Spark quit his job in Codex and joined the Reptiles. He wanted to chase the Centipedes and find more clues about the disappearance of Spade. Third didn't want his best friend to dirty his hand but supported him anyway by working behind the front line. The fine man lost his soul. He was working so hard like a madman and even if they found some lead to catch the Centipedes, he was not afraid to jump into the battlefield.

His mother, the leader of the Reptiles was also shocked seeing his son become so fearless, he was not fighting to become a shield but he was a spark that's ready to hurt anyone who comes in his way.

The necklace of Spade was hanging around his neck. It reminds him that he's a human. Sometimes, whenever he loses his control and in the middle of slaughtering, he would just look at it and he will come back to senses.

"Get ready! We will infiltrate their hideout!" Spark shouts to his men. His presence is filled with authority. The Reptiles came to respect him as their young master not because he was the son of their leader but because he was a wise man. His skills in infiltration and surveillance were unparalleled. With Third on his back supporting him, they have never lost any battle.

They found the hideout of the Centipedes as well as the laboratory where they are operating. While they were on their way to their destination, Spark received a call from Third. "Bro, remember your main goal here. Do not lose sight of it while you are there. Clean the laboratory, gather all evidence, and interrogate their leader or any of their high ranking officials if they are perhaps involved with Spade."

Spark clenched his teeth. He can never give up and he will never not until he sees it in his own eyes. Deep inside him, he knew that Spade was out there, suffering alone. Just thinking about this makes him sad and mad at the same time.

"I know, watch my back then."

The reptiles were divided into two groups, one with Spark heading to the hideout, and the other team will deal with the laboratory. The security of the main hideout of the Centipedes was really tight. Guards in every entrance and there are also several patrol teams in the garden.

Reptiles were known to be good at stalking their prey or ambushing them. True to its characteristics, all members of Reptiles specializes in this kind of battle tactic. They went to their position, surrounded the whole place, and in a very organized manner, they attacked all at once surprising the whole place.

Chaos started to fill the place. Screams and grunts can be heard from a lot of people. Spark already got used to those annoying sounds. He entered the main hall of the building with his best men. Everyone who comes in their way were either killed through darts, gunshot or getting their head severed. No mercy was shown. Just like some gangster movie, he was the heartless lead character.

They arrived to the top floor of the building where the leader of the Centipedes and some of its officials were waiting.

"Welcome! We, the Centipedes, gave you the warmest greetings! May I know the reason why you cause havoc here, young man?" The leader of Centipedes, a man in his 50s with white hair wearing black suit and sitting in a glass chair asked him with sarcasm.

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