Encounter 23: Restart

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A/N: So, I was writing the chapter 24 and my heart is aching so I decided to update this one. Damn playlist I have, I'm also having emotional damage while writing.


Finally, after convincing Heal that he would be there in the company tomorrow and he won't leave, the little boy let him go to go home.

It was a very tiring day for Spade not just physically but mentally and emotionally. He was already outside the Codex building and was ready to commute back home but he saw Ivan waiting for him with his car.

"Ivan, how did you... errr... Nevermind. Thanks for picking me up."

Spade remembered that he can never hide from Ivan. The latter gently smiled and opened the door for him.

"Shall we have dinner first?"

"Yes. I would like to also speak with you."

They went to a french restaurant to have dinner. While eating, Spade informed Ivan of what happened with Codex and to him for the whole day. Ivan was happy seeing Spade happy while he was telling him what happened.

"So, you're finally back. Are you also going to move out now from the base back to your house?

Spade nodded his head. He can finally feel that he's having his life back again. "Don't worry I'll always give you a call or visit you while you're still here in Thailand. Are you going to stay here longer?"

"Well, that depends. I need to check up on you first if you're back to normal, besides, you still have your insomnia."

"I'm fine already. Though sometimes, I'm still afraid of sleeping on my own, I'm already cured and I believe it won't happen again."

"Fine, but I will still check up on you. Will you be alright with that?"

"Of course. I'm already used to it anyway."

"Sorry for that." Ivan doesn't want Spade to feel suffocated so he lowered the number of guards tailing Spade secretly.

"Aishh, stop with the drama. This is how Mammoth works. Eat now before the food gets cold."

The next day, Spade looked forward to working again in Codex. Just like before, he arrived on time.

"Good morning boss. Your coffee is at your table and the details about our existing projects and upcoming ones are also sent to you." Erin greeted.

"Thanks Phi!"

He went over the details of different projects and every now and then, he would furrow his eyebrow whenever he would see some loopholes and wrong about the project. He even run one of the programs the production launched a few months ago and put it on test only to find out that it can be easily bugged and prone to crash. He sighed.

"What are they doing? Is the Quality Control team doing their job right?"

"Phi, can you call on to the team that worked on the Data system for Boats? Call also the qc team who checked on this. I need to meet them ASAP, look for an available meeting room for me please."

"Okay boss, got that."

Without even realizing that it was already past lunch time, Spade decided to go to the company pantry to look for something to eat. It was not crowded anymore and the line was bearable. Some employees were surprised to see him there because Spade usually eats outside. He settled in a vacant table. The nostalgic feeling of working in a company really makes him feel like he's back.

After having his lunch, Erin informed him that his meeting will be held in meeting room A, on the 8th floor. He went to gather his things at his office then proceed to the meeting. The team he called in to attend the said meeting were all present and their face looks like they are constipated.

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