Encounter 22: Building Bridges

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Three days have passed after Spade visited the Codex and received the offer to come back. He was also contemplating whether he will deal with Spark's proposition.

That morning, he was woken up because he received a call from an anonymous number. He knew that if there was a call to trace him or something bad about Mammoth, it would be immediately cut off so he answered it as soon as it annoyed him.


"Nong? Aren't you awake yet? There's a welcome meeting for you at ten. Move now or you'll be late."

Spade almost fell on his bed upon hearing the familiar voice of his ever loyal former secretary. "P'Erin??!"

"Boss, didn't you read the message that Ms. Sivons sent to you. Hurry up."

Fully awake now, Spade blinked for several seconds trying to process what was really happening. He then opened his inbox and saw an unknown number again, then he saw Yvette's name. The message informs him that he needs to report today at eight in the morning in Codex to sign his contract and to formally welcome him again.

"Say whattt??!" He looked at the hanging wall clock and it says it's already 8:15 in the morning. He rushed to take his shower and immediately dressed up. Ivan raised his eyebrows when he saw Spade rushing out.

"Where are you going?"

"Arrgg..I'll explain later. I need to go now."

His body remembers it all. The adrenaline rush of going to work because of waking up late. The smell of asphalt in that sidewalk where he used to run to Codex. Finally, the happiness of arriving at his second home, CODEX Solutions.

"Phi Spade!! Hurry up! The meeting is about to start. They are in the 10th floor conference room A. " The receptionist, Mia, shouted as soon as he saw the running figure of the former deputy manager.

Spade was still catching his breath when he approached the reception desk to receive his visitor pass. "Thank you na, Nong." He winked at the young woman and immediately ran again towards the elevator to catch up.

Those who were in the elevator with him were whispering or giving him stares because the incident when he suddenly resigned became a big issue. However, Spade was also well-known within the company especially in the operation and production department.

When Spade heard the bell of the elevator prompting that he arrived in his designation floor, just before he stepped out, he heard someone called his name. "P'Spade!" He turned his head to see who it was, a certain employee from the elevator he was in. "Welcome back na, Phi."

Spade smiled at her and gave her a waii. "Thank you." he then proceeded to the conference room. He saw Erin outside the room.


"Omo! Boss. Welcome back. You need to hurry. We only have 30 minutes left before the meeting. Did you eat anything yet?"

The young man shakes his head. He didn't have anything when he left because he was in a rush. Erin handed him a box of milk drink and a sandwich.

"Eat this first and try to relax. The materials are already prepared."

"But Phi, I don't know what's happening. I came here without knowing what to do at all. After I read the message of the CEO, I immediately went here. What's happening?"

Erin only smiled at his young boss. She hugged her while her eyes were teary. He missed the honest young man. "You being here is enough. Just leave the rest to Ms. Sivons."

Though he was still confused, Spade smiled at the older woman and ate his sandwich.

Finally, the time was up. Spade entered the conference hall without any knowledge of who he will be facing. The conference room felt like it was in slow motion. The door slowly opened, all heads turned and looked at Spade. Yvette was in her usual gorgeous goddess-like look. And some familiar faces to Spade were sitting in that wide and large rectangular conference table.

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