Encounter 17: Conflicting Contract

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A/N: uhmm...I honestly don't like this chapter, but oh well.. we need this one.


After finding out the truth from his own mother, Spark was determined to look for Spade even if it means he needed to risk his life.

"The Mammoth has the cure! I made him a ghost for him to receive treatment that can save his life, that can save you. I knew back then when I met him that he will be the one who can make you whole!"

"But you should've told me! Mae! How could you??"

"No, if I told you back then, would you realize your own feelings? Would he even confess? The answer is no. He told me himself that he will not confess. Never. He only made that video just in case...something...might happen."

"But at least I wouldn't lose him!"

"You have already lost him, my son, when you deny your feelings towards that man. I will forever support you, but this time, let me save Spade instead of you. Sending him to Mammoth was the best option but I could never tell you because you know that they're the one on the top."

"I don't care! I just want him back. Whatever it is, I need him to stay with me. Why are you just telling me this now? After all those days you have seen me suffer? Do you even care?!" A slap landed on Spark's face.

"If I didn't do it, he might have been already dead by now. I decided to tell you this now because I just received a report from the Mammoths. Spade... he was...in his final stage of medication. They found him several days ago lying in bed, bathing in his own blood."

Spark could feel his soul leaving his entire being. He became pale and his body turned cold.

"The drug inside his body was still active and the medication was reacting to it. They said that it will take at least two more months for them to know if Spade can survive this final stage, however, if not...he's..."

"Stop, just...stop, mae. He will survive."

"Yes, son, I have already instructed the Mammoths to do everything they can to save Spade. He's closely being monitored now."

"I gotta go now." Spark said bluntly.


"To find him."

"Son, he's under the Mammoth's custody now. You know you can't just barge in there. And besides, even me don't have any information where their headquarters are located. All I know is just, it's in Russia."

"Then, I will search every nook and cranny of Russia until I find him."

Spark has finished all of his preparations to go to Russia even though he doesn't even know where to start

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Spark has finished all of his preparations to go to Russia even though he doesn't even know where to start. Jian tried to stop her son but nothing could stop him. Instead, she gave him the assurance that the Reptiles will be behind Spark. Tome was specifically tasked to aid the young master. Third wanted to go with Spark however, In begged him not to because the latter was afraid that something might happen again to his fiance. He promised his best friend that he will provide assistance in anyway.

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