Encounter 11: Cold water

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A/N: So yeah, this is quite long..about 4k words than the usual I write that I need to cut down this chapter. Obviously, it may seems like too fast pace, but pardon me, I need to have those scenes because of the incoming waves. hahaha!

Happy reading!


A few more days have passed and Spark was discharged. The first thing he does is to look for any clues who might have attacked them that night and to check on Spade.

"Whyyyy? Where is he? Noooooo!" When he arrived in the office, he was welcomed by Heal's tantrums.

"Heal, what happened?"

"They said that P'Spade is not here. Daddy?! Did he leave? Am I bad for him to leave me? Hic hic." little sobs can be heard now from the small boy.

Spark heart aches. He can't say whether it's because of seeing his son cry or because of Spade's disappearance.

"No baby, he just need to work somewhere. He'll be back soon. How about we play outside?"

Heal pouts, his eyes became red. "No. I want P'Spade." For the whole day, Heal was throwing tantrums and he just stopped once he felt tired, thus, falling asleep.

It's just been a few days but Spark already feels bored as if there is nothing entertaining anymore to do in the office. Somehow, he became the old Spark who was cold, unsociable and only speaks when needed.

A month has passed since Spade left. He was supposed to report back but it seems like the weather was not friendly enough to welcome the deputy manager.

Spade was on his way to Codex main headquarters even if the rainfall was too strong. He wanted to go back as soon as possible because he missed his old workplace.

The view was not good because of the rain. Suddenly, he was surprised when a car from the other lane cut through in front of him. He grabbed the steering wheel as hard as he can to turn his car around. The sounds of the wheel drifting on the wet pavements can be heard and with adrenaline rush, Spade tried to evade the car as much as possible.

Luckily his car only bumped on the plastic barricade on the side of the road, leaving him only scratches. But, he hit his head on the steering wheel because of the impact, causing him to lose consciousness.

Some good samaritans called help, rescuers and police aided immediately. Spade was admitted to the nearest hospital. After two hours he woke up looking into the unfamiliar white ceiling of the hospital.

"Where am I? Arrgg... my head hurts. Oww, I remember now, I got into an accident. Wait, what time is it?"

He looked to his wrist watch and it was already one in the afternoon. He should've been in Codex at eleven.

"Damn. I gotta run now."

He unsteadily get up from the bed he was lying in and tried to settle things for his treatment. The doctor and nurses advised him to stay because he might still feel unwell since he hit his head but the deputy manager insisted that he must go.

"Did you contact anyone about what happened?" Spade asked.

"We tried contacting the number in your company ID but it's not working. We tried to check on your other personal ID but King Daojatti who was listed as your guardian was also unavailable."

"Thanks. I gotta go now. I'll just take the medicine." Spade immediately left after hearing the answer to his question.

"Glad that my company id was outdated and it still has the human resource's old number. Guardian? They never cared anyway."

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