Encounter 27: Simple Signs

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Weekend has come and Spade wanted to do some shopping for his house so he woke up early that morning.

He was wearing his casual clothes and brought his car with him. While he was at the mall, he passed by a bread shop and smelled some cinnamon. His eyebrows furrowed. "Why am I getting annoyed with the smell of cinnamon these past few days?" He doesn't particularly hate cinnamon but somehow he became very sensitive to its smell after he smelled it from Spark that day when he went to Ayutthaya.

Spade went to the grocery store to buy food for his fridge. He was in the middle of checking the vegetables and fruit section when he smelled the scent of cinnamon again. This time, his hunch started to tick him off. Why would he smell cinnamon in that section? He tried to shrug it off and continued to buy things and stayed alert in case something were to happen.

He carried the bags of the things he bought. When he was on his way to the parking lot, he felt something ominous. Perhaps he developed such skill when he was still in Russia, they lived there as if their life is always at risk. He was trained as well to be more vigilant and careful around his surroundings.

Given the situation, he put down first the things he bought then slowly, he approached his car. Spade inspected the door, windows and wheels to see if there was something that was attached to it. When he finished inspecting it, he proceeded to check under the car. The young director got something from his trunk, a long metal with some device attached to it. He slipped it under the car and moved it around while he was watching through his phone. His eyes spotted a tiny red dot on the screen.

"Bingo." he mumbled.

From then, Spade removed a small device attached under his car. It was blinking then went off after a few seconds. He doesn't feel good about it. He tried to remember if he saw something like that before because it looks familiar. After a few seconds, his eyes widened when he remembered what it was.

Spade immediately ran to warn the security. "Do not let anyone come near here. There's an explosive attached to my car. I have removed it but it needs to be disarmed."

The security didn't want to trust Spade but they got scared when Spade told them that it can blow up the whole parking lot if he won't be able to disarm it. They quickly called the management and informed the situation.

Spade was thinking hard how the hell he can disarm that kind of explosive. He knew that at the back of his mind, he had that information because Gwen told him that before.

Those kinds of explosives are high end. It was a tracker and at the same time a weapon to kill. Who the hell put that in his car? It will explode in about ten minutes now and his time is running out.

The security and management team arrived and tried to talk to Spade but he was not responding.

"Can you please shut up? I'm thinking of a way to disarm it."

"We have called in experts to help." The head of the security said.

"They won't be of any help. They won't know how to disarm it anyway." Spade knew that this kind of device is not easy to obtain. He only knows one person who can help him at this time. His fingers immediately dialed an international number.

Three rings. Someone picked it up. "Hello, Gwen? I need your help. How can I disarm that device you told me before? The one that can be a tracker and a bomb at the same time?"

"Wait. Hold on, are you okay? OMG! Who the hell used that one?" Gwen on the other line suddenly became worried.

"Gwen, I'm running out of time. How to disarm it?"

The lady immediately explained to Spade how he can disarm the tiny device. Spade did what he was told and instructed some security personnel to help him. One more minute before it explodes, Spade disarms it with the help of Gwen on the line and some security personnel.

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