Encounter 9: Trembling Heart

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Hey, uhmm..yeah this part is important because it will reveal the deal about Third and Spark and why they are always involved in trouble. I felt like this chapter is short..dunno.. but yeah, let's just read.


Spade woke up in an unfamiliar room, the ceiling was different and the scent was exceptionally soothing. "Was that a dream? Wait, what?" He was trying to remember what happened last night but like a vivid dream it seems like he can't recall if what was left in his brain really happened or was just part of his imagination.

The deputy manager pulled his hair up and slap himself a little more to make himself fully awake. He tiptoed while walking to go outside of the room so as not to wake the owner of the house. He saw Spark sleeping soundly in the couch. Before he left, he wrote a piece of note to thank the VPEA for taking care of him.

Due to many meetings Spade needed to attend to, he's been out of the office for almost a week and Spark was not really happy with it. He felt like he was being avoided and that made him anxious.

"Daddy! Your eyebrows are almost linking together and your wrinkles are showing." Heal who was in his office that day made a remark.

"Heal, I'm still young, I don't have wrinkles."

"But you look scary daddy. Are you mad at something?"

Spark sighed. How can his child knew him this well when they don't spend too much time with each other. "I'm not." he sighed again. "Heal, why don't you go with your mommy and play there. I'll be busy for the day."

Heal pouted his lips and glared at his dad. "Hmmp! You just don't want to play with me. Mommy is also busy. No one wants me." he stand up and stomped his little feet going to the door. "I'm going to play with P'Spade."

Hearing that name, Spark felt a tingling feeling in his stomach. "Hey, he's busy."

The little guy didn't listen to his daddy and he just gave him a tongue to mock his own father then run away. "Oiii! Heal!" Spark tried to run after his son.

He saw the little guy running fast within the company premise like a football player evading people in his way. "Seriously, where did he get that energy? He was not like this." The play of tag ended when he saw Heal bump to one of the employees.

"Uwuuu. That hurts." Heal was on the verge of crying but he felt a pair of big hands carrying him.

His father was catching his breath handsomely then thanked the man for holding his naughty son. "Thanks for catching him. I'm sorry for the...trouble." Spark stuttered upon seeing the handsome and ever bright face of Spade smiling towards the kid.

"Phiiiiii!" Heal latched onto Spade's arms which the latter happily welcomed.

"Why are you running around here? Didn't I told you to behave?" Spade scolded the little boy.

Heal like an angel pouted his lips. "I'm sorry."

Spark was bewildered. No matter how much he scolded Heal, the boy didn't listen to him these past few days but with Spade, he surrendered immediately.

"Alright, since you understood. You should go to your father now. I'll need to attend to the papers in my desk."

"Whyyyy? Can't you play with me? I'll burn those papers!"

"Whoa! Hold up dear. Behave. People worked hard for those papers, we should never toss aside what they have done. Do you understand?"

"Yes. But, those papers make all people busy. No one wants to spend time with me." Heal looked down and he played with his hands as if he was waiting for someone to assure him that he is important.

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