Encounter 14: Connection Failed

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"The one who was left behind will always be the one who will feel miserable."


There are no words I can find to explain this but due to personal reasons, I need to say my farewell. I love codex and I don't want anything bad to happen to this company if I'll get involved any further.

I know this will be really hard but I thank the management and the people here who put their trust in me. Honestly, this pains me the most but I need to choose now before it's too late.

Thank you and I wish Codex all the best. All of the needed documents and transactions were turned over already. I signed the waiver as well to not tell a soul about the company.

Again, thank you.

The message was vague in Spark's point of view but it was enough for him to feel an excruciating pain deep inside his chest.

"Where is he?"

"That's the problem Spark. We tried everything to locate him but like bubbles, he just vanished into thin air. We couldn't find him."

"Sh!t! Then I'll handle the rest. I'll leave you the rest."

Spark was in a hurry but Yvie called out his name just before he disappeared. "Spark, please. Don't get hurt in the process. I can feel that you are losing it."

"I'm fine. I just need to find him."

Without delay, Spark called in his men to search for Spade. After instructing them, he dialed another number to seek help.

"Mae (Mother), can you help me look for someone?"

"You sound serious. Who are you looking for, son?" His mother, who's in the other line answered.

"Spade Daojatti, the third deputy manager of Codex."

"And why do you need to look for him? Did he do something bad to you?"


"You seem really restless. Just who is this person? I never heard you so desperate like this, even calling me directly."

Spark's throat started to become dry. His mother is always two steps ahead of him and he can't even keep any secret from her. Truly, he is honestly scared not because of his mother but the fact that the feelings he has right now is taking control of him.

"I--just.. I need him.. for now, to... breathe."

Her mother smiled. She never knew that his son will be this cute at this age. "I'll try to help but I cannot guarantee anything. But son, if you need him this much, I believe you are not the type of person who will let go of such an important person gone missing. Am I right?"

"Mae, he... doesn't know. I just.. realized this a little while ago." Spark's voice sounded so sad.

"Then, I'll help you out."

"Thank you Mae. I'll call you later."

The phone call ended. Spark was a little relieved because his mother was the best option he had to look for Spade. Being the son of one of the second biggest mafia groups in Thailand and one in the world has its own perks that he can enjoy.

The search for Spade was definitely not good for the heart of the vice president who was losing his mind because the Codex was somewhat broken. On the outside perspective, they look fine but internally, everything about the external affairs and projects are getting out of hand just because they lost the best man to handle it.

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