Encounter 24: Pinky Promises

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Okayyyy! Here Spade's side nowww! My heart hurts when my sis was bashing Spade. So, this time LOUDERRR from Spade team! Char!

Don't forget to vote! Thanks for reading!


The team lunch went well. Spark also asked about the program they are currently mending. He gave his opinions to it and shared some information as well that can be useful for them. The team attentively listened, even Spade himself.

After having their lunch, they all went back to Codex. Spark followed Spade to his office. "Phi, what are you doing here?"

"What? Am I not welcome here?"

"No, its...if you are just going to laze around, shouldn't you go to the CEO's office?"

Spark's eyebrow furrowed. "Why would I go there? Yvie would scold me non-stop there and would just say that I should be here instead."

"Huh? Why would she say that?"

Spark smirked at him and closed the distance between them. Unconsciously, Spade stepped backwards when he felt that Spark was approaching him, but the latter didn't let him get away. He held Spade's waist and pulled him closer to him, their faces just inches away. Spade can smell the minty breath of Spark, probably because he chewed some of those candy mint earlier.

"Err, Phi, aren't we too close?"

"Why? I like this. If I can be more close, that will be much better."

Spade's heartbeat started to race. "What're you doing?"

"I'm seducing you. This time, you can't deny anything."

"What if..."Spade averted his eyes. "What if I told you I don't love you anymore?" His ears were so red. He knew that Spark already read his letter and watched the video. He knew that Spark looked for him but he doesn't know the entire story yet.

Spark's face looked hurt. Hearing those words from Spade sent thousands of darts to him. His eyes look like they're about to shed tears. Spade suddenly became worried. Why do they need to hurt each other like this?

"Then...I'll make you fall for me again. I won't force you to, because you'll fall for me over and over again. I'll make you not able to love anyone other than me." Spark's words have conviction but it also has a hint of pain and gentleness at the same time. He's hurt by the fact that there was a possibility that Spade no longer loved him, but he cannot give up.

"Why would you do that? Isn't it much better if you..."

Spade was not able to finish his sentence because Spark shut his mouth by kissing him. He was startled but when he felt those familiar lips on him, he felt safe, loved and treasured. They nibbled each other's lips, then, Spark asked permission to enter his cavern by licking his bottom lip. Spade welcomed him and from the gentle innocent kisses, it turned into an aggressive and lustful one. Spark held Spade closer to him until they reached the sofa where Spark settled himself while Spade was sitting on his lap. They were kissing, licking and sucking each other to their heart's content.

Spark's hands were exploring Spade's body as if it was a delicate piece of gem. His big and warm hands send shivers to Spade making him slip faint moans in between their kisses. He felt that the man beneath him smiled. Spade pulled back and glared at Spark.

"Why are you smiling?"

He looks so cute because he was glaring yet pouting at the same time. Spark laughed then he extended his arms to caress the director's face while looking at him full of love. "I just love you so damn much and being with you makes me think that living is worth it."

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