Encounter 20: Brave Heart

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A/N: I'll make peace with you all who might probably cursed at the last chapter. Read this and you might believe in this story again!
#TeamSparkSpade or #TeamIvanSpade?

Listen to the song I attached to this chapter when you start this one to feel it moreeee.. Kyaaaa! My heart was really in pain while listening to it then writing this one.


Spade and Spark went to a public park where people stroll around, have picnics or even do cycling. The walk was silent but Spade can feel Spark's gaze on him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Spade started the conversation coldly.

"I won't demand for you to explain yourself about your disappearance. I just only want one thing. Come back."

"I'm already here."

"No, I don't mean that. Uhmm.." Spark looked at the back of his hand while staring down. He was searching for the right words to convey his longing. "Start over with me.."

Spade sighed. He doesn't know what Spark wanted with him. "What to start over? Phi, I believe there is nothing between us. We are just...strangers who happened to meet accidentally in that spot where you used to hang out. Then, we become superior and subordinate who worked along for the sake of Codex. Now...we are back to square one, strangers."

Every word that Spade said killed Spark. He can't see those eyes he used to get attracted to. He knew that the Spade in front of him is the same person whom he fell for unintentionally but he felt distant and cold.

"Then, what you said in those video and letter, was it all a lie?" Spark's voice was cracking and has a hint of breaking down into tears.

Spade felt his throat become dry. His heart was aching but he knew better what to do in this situation. He practiced a lot for this day to come. His speech should be smooth but the feelings building inside him was starting to shake his conviction.

"Whether it was a lie or the truth, it doesn't matter Phi, that was all in the past. I think we are both mature enough to think about what will be the best for both of us."

Spark eyes started to get blurry. "So you are going to deny my feelings? If you are trying to push me away, I won't let you succeed. I've had enough of this game of hide and seek. You don't know how painful it was for me to think that I lost you forever. I won't stay still and watched from afar like what I did with P'In. Looking in your eyes, I can still see that you love me. I won't give you up. Not in this lifetime." Spark wanted to say what's on his mind but he settled for a short reply.

"You are right. We are matured enough to think about this. So...I won't play your game. This time, I will not be contented by just looking. Rest assured, you'll come back to me." As if it was a threat, Spark kissed the soft lips of Spade which he missed so much for almost a year of his suffering. The kiss was not gentle, it's dominating and demanding. He sucked the lower lip of Spade who was trying to resist but failed to do so. The image of Spade kissing Ivan resurfaced on Spark's head and it made him even more irritated so he licks all of Spade's lips and suck it like a lollipop with the intention of erasing the trace of Ivan. Spade on the other hand, was losing his mind. He's trying to justify this hot kisses by telling himself that it was just this one time.

When they separated to gasp some air, Spark was still holding Spade in his waist. His gray orbs were looking at Spade so intently. The latter was still trying to process what's happening and he was catching his breath from that passionate kiss.

Spark smirked at him when he saw how cute he was trying to catch his breath. He wanted to own this person above anything else, so to start with it, Spark kissed and sucked Spade's exposed nape that turned red from blushing because of their kiss earlier.

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