Encounter 3: Two faced

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Encounter 3: Two faced

"What?! Why do you need to go there? I won't allow it! I'm your boss." Third was getting quite mad after hearing Spark's story from the main house.

"Haha! Yeah, but I can't defy them. Also if we will acquire Codex, don't you think it will also be a big advantage for us? We can expand our business. It's actually not a bad idea at all."

"Yeah I can see that but you will be the deacon and I don't like that. They might take you away from me as well and let you stay there. No way!"

"You're exaggerating. I can't stay there for long because I'm a French citizen so I can't stay in Thailand for too long."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. But!!! You shouldn't get swayed by Yvie! Arrrggg! This is too complicated."

"Well, if Codex will be the target, aren't you glad because I can watch over the threat you are referring to?" Spark smirked at Third.

"Hmmm. That's a good deal too. Okay, I'll permit this one but I need you to come back here once every month. Deal?"

Spark smiled at him, "Deal boss."

Together they spent another day drinking by themselves and working on stuff at the same time.

Three days after the proposal of Third to In with the help of the people close to them, Spark decided to execute the plan in Thailand.

"Aww. Are you sure you'll go now? This is not urgent you know." Third offered his friend a glass of apple juice.

They are currently in Third's place and In's project was extended so he was still in Paris.

"Yes. Besides, I don't have to worry about you here because P'In is here. You'll behave now."

"I'm always behaving. Don't listen to him Phi." Third sits beside In who was just across Spark.

"I'm happy to see you happy but at the same time, it's hurting me like shit but I won't say anything. Never." Spark's mind was trying to control his emotions and neutralize everything.

Why does he need to learn the definition of love the hardest way? To love someone you shouldn't love is the worst feeling.

"Alright. I'll go now. I need to pack my things."

"We'll see you off at the airport."

"No need, my flight is at one in the morning. Just rest up. I'll send a message once I arrive there. See ya."

Spark bid his farewell to the newly engaged couple and went back to his apartment to pack his things.

After long hours of travel, Spark arrived in Bangkok. He went directly to his condo unit and rest for a while. It was already three in the afternoon when he woke up and decided to eat outside. On his way, he remembered the place he used to spend his time.

"It's been a while, huh."

He went to the nearby cafe in the Industrial Circle to order some light meals. From his view in the cafe, he can see the spot where he usually sits idly.

"Ahh, so I can be seen from here."

His order arrived and when he was about to take a sip of his red iced tea, he noticed a man sitting on his favorite spot.

"What the? Why are you there?"

Seeing the man he used to spy on sit there wearing a blank and tired expression made him curious. "You look like you lose some weight. Probably overdoing things again, kid."

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