Encounter 6: Hesitation

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A/N: Moving forward, its gonna be painful for me to write the next chapters. T_T


Three days have passed since Spade met Heal and painfully discovered the relationship between the CEO, Spark and Heal. They are a family. Yes, but what made Spade miserable for the past day was his realization, his feelings towards Spark.

At first he thought it was just because Spark was there when he needed someone to talk to. Because of their proximity and availability or because he got used to the feeling of being scolded by someone whenever he was about to do a silly decision.

No, it was not like that. He fell for those gray eyes that looks at him because he was Spade, not anyone else. He fell for those silly encounter they had, a homeless looking guy lecturing him about love, decision-making and life.

Spade can't help but drown himself with alcohol every night for him to knock himself up of the reality he was living in. For the third night, In found him drinking all by himself to a certain bar.

"Hey, how many did you had already?" In took the seat beside him.

"P'In? Why are you?"

"Well, the owner of the bar is a junior of mine and he recognized you and gave me a call. Something happened?"

Usually, Spade would want to look good in front of his beloved senior but all of those doesn't matter now. He was heart broken.

"Phi, did you ever got your heart broken?"

In was startled about the question but didn't hesitate to answer. "Yes, my first was really painful and it's because of my own stupidity."

"How did you manage it?"

"I accepted it. The pain and the reality I denied. It was tough to swallow my pride but if I didn't do that, I think I will go crazy and will not be able to be happy now."

"What if, even if you have accepted the reality nothing will change because the person that you want can never be yours?"

"Did you already tried to fight for it until the end? Did you confirmed that it was game over? If not, then don't surrender yet. If it makes you happy, go for it. If it makes you the person you want, don't let go because there are some people who are worth fighting for."

Spade felt his heart in excruciating pain again. The image of Spark surfaced in his mind. "Would you still love that person even if he loves someone else?"

"Yes, but in my case, I was so sure that the other person doesn't love anyone other than me. I may sound too full of myself, but if ever I was in that situation, I'll prove to that person that I'm the best choice he got and no one else."

"Thank you Phi."

In smiled and tapped Spade's shoulder. "This seems serious. Do you want me to beat the person who broke your heart? Love is complicated in many ways, but it's always up to you whether you will choose to be fooled by it or you will make the best out of it."

"Then, why does it hurt so much Phi? It's hard to breathe."

"That means it real. When love hurts, its real. Some say if it's not deep, it will disappear through time but, if it is then, time may pass, but it will still hurt from time to time whenever you think of that person. Whether it's regret, hatred, or anything else, it will still hurt but at the same time, it makes you smile."

Spade drinks another shot of alcohol, a strong one. "If that's so, I refuse to accept this feeling. I don't want to feel this."

"Are you sure? The way I see it, the more you won't accept it, the more it breaks you. Don't let your pride decide for yourself."

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