Encounter 12: Trapped and Clarity

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A/N:  really like several lines here of Spade, it's soooooo muchh feels. hehe. Read to know.


His eyes widen as he saw the sturdy body towering in front of him. It was Spark. His eyes were looking at Spade with blank expression.

"Uhmm..what're you..." suddenly, Spade smelled a familiar scent coming from his boss. Alcohol. "Are you drunk?"

Spark smugly smiled at him and it makes Spade shivers making him move one step backwards. However, it was too late because the moment he stepped backwards, Spark grabbed him and lifted him up like a sack of rice carrying him up above his shoulder.

"Hey put me down!!" the deputy manager struggled but he knew it was futile since Spark was much stronger. He can smell the strong scent of alcohol mixing together with Spark's minty scent.

"No, you won't be able to avoid me anymore." he walked towards his car and put Spade inside it.

"Where are we going?"

"To the place where I can talk to you, somewhere you can't escape."

"What do we even need to talk about?"

Spark's grip on the steering wheel tightens making his hand turn white. Silence engulf inside his car. The deputy manager felt the pressure and tension so he kept his mouth shut until they arrived at their destination, Spark's house.

The half french man abruptly opened the door and he held Spade's hand tightly as if making sure he can't escape. "I won't run away, can you let me walk by myself?"

No answer from the french man. Spade can only clicked his tongue. It makes him really curious as to what the older man dragging him want to talk about but at the same time, he can't deny to himself the fast heartbeat sending signals to him that he is indeed happy to be with the man he longs for.

Spark closed and locked the door the moment they entered his house. The deputy manager was quite startled but what made him shock the most was the feeling of his lips touching something soft and seeing the face of Spark in front of him, stealing a kiss.

It was a soft kiss, slowly, he felt Spark nibbling his lips trying to get a response from him but when he felt the french man's tongue asking permission to enter by licking his lower lip, he flinched.

Spade impulsively pushed Spark away and his hand instantly wiped his lips. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I don't know!" Spark shouted with a terrifying voice making Spade cower in fear. That was the first time he saw the usually composed man full of smug and confidence raise his voice. "I'm going crazy. Why do I even need to feel like sh!t? Are you really avoiding me?"

Suddenly, Spade felt his throat dried up. "I--well...I'm not avoiding you. I'm just too busy, you see there are too many issues and work I need to do."

"You ignored me! You deliberately avoided my gaze!"

"I did--I didn't mean to. I'm too occupied."

Spark looked at him, it's not a glare nor a stare, his eyes wanted something, a proof, as if he's begging to be cared for.

"Okay! Okay! I'm avoiding you. I don't want to see you nor get involved with you any further."

Spade's heart aches as soon as he saw the pain in Spark's eyes. He was hurt. "Why? Do you hate me because of that attack?"

"No. That was an entirely different story. It was an assault that we have not anticipated. Why did you even thought of that?"

"Then why?"

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