Encounter 10: Breaking point

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Hey! this will be quite a long chapter and I think a bit rushed. I need to squeeze in some of the scenes because I need to get over the plot to develop the story further. Also, I need some more time to go the turning point moving forward.

WARNING: This chapter include A LOT of feels! For those who experienced unrequitted or even forbidden love, you can relate to this.

My heart was aching when I was writing this one.


The hospital quickly attended to Spark when they arrived. A nurse came to get the details of Spark and Tome gave the necessary information.

Spade was still trembling when he sat on the side to process all the things that happened. In sat beside him upon noticing the young man.

"You had a rough day. You can go home and take a rest now. I'll handle everything from here. "

"No, I can't burden you Phi, a client, because of this."

"No, you aren't."

Spade had too many questions inside his head but he wanted to confirm something first. "Phi, do you know my boss even before I introduced him? It seems like you were quite familiar."

Sure, Spade didn't miss that familiarity between the two man when he heard them earlier. Why does his boss need to protect their client that much and even make himself a shield from a bullet and knife?

"Uhmm, well, that is.. " Before In finishes his sentence, someone pulled him to an embrace. It was Third.

"You okay? How is Ai'Spark?" Third was still catching his breath, probably because he ran as soon he can when he arrived in the hospital.

Spade's mind was turning upside down. Now, his former rival showed up and he even knew his boss. Wait? What?

A nurse came out from the emergency room. "Who's the patient's guardian?"

"I'm his friend." Third answered.

"Well, we need blood, type A because he lost too much blood."

"I'm type A, can i get tested?" Spade spoke. The nurse nodded and the deputy manager followed him.

After getting enough blood, Spade contacted Yvette and informed him of what happened. The CEO told him that she'll be on her way to the hospital. Then, while he is on his way in the emergency room, he heard familiar voices talking.

"What the freak is happening here Third?" In's voice was clearly showing that he's mad and confused.

"Sorry, we are planning to talk to you about this but our schedules don't match up."

"I don't need your excuses! Tell me what's happening!"

Spade concealed his presence from the sides because he wanted to hear the truth too. He knew it was a bad idea to eavesdrop but he has no choice.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. Ai'Spark and I got involved in a somewhat dangerous organization when we accidentally discovered some human organs underground transaction. It was some years before we met. After that, we've been targeted and hunted by them. We are good in hiding our identity so they are still in pursuit but just last year, they got a lead and found us. They are also the cause of my you know.. almost death experience before.

I sent Ai'Spark here to originally guard you but we didn't expect that the Sivons, will need some help from the Davignon and offered Spark a position in Codex. With that, I can rest assured that you are in good hands while I'm not here."

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