Encounter 13: Dangerous Deal

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A/N: I know it's been too long since I last updated this one but trust me, I wanted to, however, I was stucked and got into a blank state. From there on, I have deleted several draft I wrote, then back to square one again. Suddenly, I got another plot popping out from no where. Then poof! Here it is, two chapters .


For the next few days, Spade wondered why he hasn't seen Spark at all within the company vicinity. Though he doesn't want to admit it, he seeks for the french man's presence. He also didn't get any calls or messages.

"Phi, don't we have any other contracts to review coming from the VPEA?" Spade asked Erin.

"Err, nothing sir. Perhaps because the VPEA was out of the country."

"He's what?" Spade almost spilled his coffee upon hearing the news. Why was he not informed about this?

"I'm sorry boss. The VPEA left last Tuesday and instructed me not to tell you anything about it." It was already friday.

The deputy manager can only click his tongue out of frustration. "Okay, thanks Phi."

"Why would he hide the fact that he left? It's not like it matters to me anyway." His heart started to tighten. "Okay fine, it matters to me. Afterall of what he did, would he run away? The nerve!"

Due to his bad mood, he decided to get some fresh air and wanted to eat something so he went outside. However, just before he reached the coffee shop where he regularly went he saw In walking towards the Codex building. His lips curved upwards and was happy to see his beloved senior.

"Phi!" Spade eagerly waved his hand and ran towards the senior.

"Oi, what're you doing here outside?"

"I was about to get something to eat. Do you need anything from Codex?"

"Well, yeah, I was about to visit you in your office. Didn't you read my email?"

"You did? Sorry, I didn't think I had read it." While having conservation, Spade noticed that there are some hidden presence lurking somewhere.

"Why did you become so quiet?"

"Phi, are you aware that you are being followed?"

In sighed, "Yes, it's Third's brilliant idea. That's his men."

Spade felt relieved. He also wanted In to be safe because he values him as his senior, and somehow he also wants to protect Spark's first love. Martyr as he is, but it's the only thing he can do. He's powerless unlike Third, and not strong like Spark, but he is clever enough and will not let anyone hurt In.

"Shall we go talk while having some snacks then, Phi?"

The older man nodded his head to agree and they both went to the coffee shop to talk about work-related stuff. After their discussion, Spade tried to dig up some information and started to ask innocently.

"Where is P'Third? Not like I'm looking for him, it's actually better that he's not here annoying me."

"You two still can't get along. He's in France at the moment. He left last Tuesday with N'Spark. They said they have something to take care of."


In felt that Spade wanted to ask something more so he went ahead and filled the curiosity of the young man. "I'm sorry for what happened that day making you experience something dreadful making you lose your voice."

"Oh no, you don't need to apologize Phi. It was unexpected."

"Yes, but for you to experience that even though you are not involved still makes me feel guilty."

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