Encounter 21: An invitation

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A/N: Uhmm,,please don't forget to vote.

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Ivan was having his morning coffee in the dining hall when he noticed Spade going down from upstairs. Two days have passed when Spade lost his consciousness. He has no recollection of what happened after he went to that corner crying his heart alone. The next thing he remembered was when he was lying in his bed with dextrose in his hand.

"Are you going out?" Ivan asked.

"Yes, I'll try to look for a job. Now that I'm leaving Mammoth a few weeks from now, I need to redeem myself." Spade was in his formal attire, white polo and black slacks. He looks elegant and adorable.

"I can recommend you."

"I don't want to pull any string using Mammoth. Besides, I can handle it myself, don't you trust my skill." He sat across Ivan and the servants served him a plate of bacon, egg and two slices of bread then a cup of coffee.

"Yeah. I trust you too well for that. Then, call me if anything happens."

Spade nodded his head while he got some bread on his mouth. Ivan can only smile at him.

The former deputy manager of Codex set foot now to personally apply, where to? Of course to the Industrial Circle where all big companies were residing.

Upon his arrival in that ever familiar Industrial Circle where several skyscrapers were standing tall.

He sighed when his eyes landed on the spot where he used to spend his time during lunch or in the afternoon. The place that connects the two of them. Spade shakes his head to regain himself.

"You should stick to what is right." He reminded himself not to lose sight of what he should do.

He went to different companies and several of them were very interested to hire him. Finally, as courtesy, he doesn't intend to apply for Codex due to his guilt of suddenly leaving but he went there to show them that he's well.

The employees who knew the former deputy manager were shocked and happy to see him. The receptionist recognized him.

"Sir, we--uhmm. It's nice to see you again."

"Hello Nong Mia. I don't have any appointments but can I visit them?"

"Yes sir! Of course. Just, log in here sir, and... this is your visitor's pass." The receptionist, Mia, was star struck because of Spade who was well-known within the company because of his achievements and reforms he did for the employees.

"Thanks Nong." Spde left with the visitor's pass and entered the company vicinity to proceed to the production floor where he formerly worked.

Mia immediately called the CEO secretary to inform him that Spade Daojatti arrived to visit. They were instructed to inform the office immediately if Spark was seen in the Codex vicinity.

Spade was feeling nostalgic while riding the elevator. He missed this building and environment. Those who recognized him gave him a waii to show their respect. The news already spread within the company intranet. Upon his arrival on the production floor, he saw some changes, especially the arrangement of the office. It looks lighter, similar to what he wanted before he left.

Suddenly, a loud voice shouted reaching every corner of the floor. "Get up! Greetings, now!! "

All employees, programmers, quality controllers, and team leaders of the production looked at the startled Spade. "WELCOME BACK SIR SPADE!!" They said in chorus.

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