Chapter 1

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Gun was shaking. He was dreaming about that night again. He heard that man's moans and felt how and where he touched him. When he woke up he was swimming in sweat. Off wasn't at home, he was probably one of his girlfriend's house so Gun got up and went to the kitchen. He was still shaking. No one knew about that what happend to him a week ago. He didn't made any physical contact with men since then, he wasn't hugged his best friend, Off either, but Off was that stupid he doesn't even noticed. He grabbed a glass and poured water to it, but when he the glass touched his plump lips he was about to faint.

A man was in front of the kitchen's window and stared at Gun. He wanted to scream very badly, but he couldn't. He was frozen. He dropped the glass what was filled with water and became shaking more than before. He felt like the man exactly staring at him, but it was impossible while the window in the kitchen was tinted windows. He felt the man's arm again on his hip and on his left wrist... he was about to puke when he heard the door open... he was frozen again. The light was switched on. If the man would saw him, he thought the tiny boy on the floor is a ghost. He was really pale, his eyes was swollen from crying and his bangs was stincking to his forhead. The man who just arrived didn't noticed him, he just locked the door and went to his room. He didn't even switched off the lights. From these things Gun knew it was his best friend who just arrived. The tiny boy had to fight against himself to stand up but he made it. When he stared at the window there was nobody out there. He thought only his imagination played with him and there was nobody outside. But was it true? Or that man found Gun? After Gun cleaned up the mess what he made went back to his room and went back to sleep. He wasn't fine, he thought he won't be fine ever again.

Off wasn't sleeping in his room. He just broke up with his girl and he wanted to understand why did he do that. He didn't give any reasons to the girl and he felt guilty because of that. He wanted to go to see Gun, but he thought the tiny boy is already sleeping and he didn't want to wake his bestie up. So he went to the bed and tried to sleep.

Off was right, when Gun was back in his room he just reached his bed he fainted. He didn't sleep since then, so he fainted from the tiredness.

He was again in that house, at New's house. He was alone because his friend went to a trip and asked him to sleep at his house. Off was with his girl so Gun accepted. Someone knocked at the door so Gun went to open it. In front of the house there was a handsome boy, he looked a little bit drunk, but Gun didn't mind it.

'How can I help, P'?' asked Gun with a babysmile on his face. The guy smiled back.

'Can I use your toilet?' asked politely the unknown guy.

'Sure.' said Gun and he let the guy inside. Well, it was his worst decision in his life, but he was too inocent, kind and naive to think what had been become.

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