Chapter 22

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Gun was slowly moving in Off's lap and leaving love bites on his neck. The tiny boy wasn't terrified to do things like this with his Papii. He was fine. He thought the way Off was acting was really cute.

"Honey, are you sure?" grabbed Off Gun's hip to stop him from the moving. "You don't have to do this... I read about what happened to you... you don't have to force yourself to do this. I really can wait."

"Can you stop acting like a caring boyfriend?" murmured Gun as he gave little kisses onto Off's neck. "Just be that jerk who I know and fuck me..."

"Gun, look at me!" said Off. He was a little bit angry but he knew he acted like a jerk before. When the tiny boy looked directly into his eyes he shough. "I don't wanna be that guy again. I don't wanna be a jerk with you."

"Like I said you can." said Gun with a little smile on his face. "If you have to be a jerk to fuck me right now then just be that!"

"What's going on, Babii?" asked Off while he hugged the tiny one tightly. "I mean are you OK?"

"Can we just do it, please?" whined Gun into Off's neck. "I really want you right now."

"Just tell me why..." said Off softly while he patted his boyfriend's head. He knew something wasn't OK with him.

"I-I just--just..." cried Gun out. Off shough and hugged him even tighter. "I just don't want to be his... I mean he touched me everywhere and maybe if you would touch me everywhere I could just forget him."

"Stop crying, Babii!" said Off softly. He knew this was somehow related to that night. "I'll d that if you promise me you won't cry or freak out, OK?"

"I promise." said Gun with a shaking voice. Off smiled and gave Gun a passionate kiss. He wanted his boyfriend as much as the other wanted him. Their last time was about 5 years ago and since then he wasn't able to forget Gun. They were best friends and they still are but Off fell in love with him that night.

"Then let me take off your clothes... you said I have touch you everywhere so I should do my job." smiled Off and pulled off the T-shirt from his boyfriend just to throw it to the ground. After a few minutes Gun was completely naked and Off was still completely dressed up. "You're still beautiful..."

"Shut up and strip!" said Gun impatiently. He was red as a tomato because of Off's compliment. Off just laughed and did that Gun asked for. When both of them was naked Off put his fingers into Gun's mouth and with his other hand started to play with one of the nipples.

"Suck it Babii" commanded Off and the tiny one did that he asked for. Off was so turned on, he wasn't sure he could stop. Gun unerneath him was a moaning mess and he was so perfect. Once Off thought his fingers were wet enough he replaced his fingers with kisses on Gun's lips. His fingers started to play with Gun's tiny hole. He really wanted to make Gun his but he knew the tiny one can freak out anytime and he doesn't want to hurt him. "Are you OK? Will that be OK if I'm going to fingering you?"

"That's fine but I hope I'll get your dick as well..." moaned Gun because after he said OK to Off he started to prepare him to the next stage. Gun felt the pain and grabbed Off's shoulders his breathing wasn't normal. Off suddenly stopped with everything and forced Gun to look at him.

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