Chapter 28

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Gun sat there. He was alone in a room with an officer, a male officer. He was a little bit nervous and scared but he didn't said anything, he wanted this to be over so he had to be strong.

"So, tell me what happened..." smiled the officer kindly. "You can trust me..."

"I... " Gun's voice cracked and he started to searching his boyfriend. "Can you call my boyfriend in?"

"Sure, I guess." said the man. He saw that Gun was afraid. He was shaking so badly since the door was closed behind them. He got up and left the room.

"Baby, are you OK?" asked Off as soon as he saw his boyfriend. "Why are you shaking? Did he do anything to you?!"

"No, he didn't. " said Gun with a shaking voice while he looked at Off. "I just couldn't tell him... I couldn't tell him alone. I need you..."

"It's OK, my love. I'm here for you. Now and forever." said Off and he grabbed Gun's tiny hand. The officer came back and saw the tiny figure was calmer.

"Can you tell me now what happened to you?" he asked kindly.

"I got raped." said Gun with shaking voice. "It's been a while and I know who was it but I was afraid to tell anybody. I was embarrassed..."

"OK." said the officer calmly. "When did it exactly happened?"

"About 2 months ago." said Off while he hugged his boyfriend. "He was at our friends' house and he let a man in because he said he needed to pee."

"OK." said the man while he started to write down the information. "You said you know who it was. Can you tell me his name?"

"I don't know his name, I don't know what he is doing but I know where he lives..." said Gun. "Is that enough?"

"If you tell me his adress then I'll send a few people out to bring him in." said the officer. "You have to take a look at him then to be sure it was him... and that would have been better if you came earlier because we need to take you to an examination to make sure if it was rape for real..."

"I think it's not necessary..." said Gun. "I went to the hospital and a doctor examined me, he said he know what's going on but I asked him to not to tell anyone. Even though he kept his words he wrote that in the record I was raped."

"OK, then I need that paper and I can start the investigation." said the officer. "I can go with you to your house to get the paper while the guys bring that guy in."

"Okay, thank you." said Off and stood up with Gun who was shaking a little bit. The tiny boy felt like he was an useless person who isn't strong enough.

"Mr. Atthaphan..." said the officer when they left the building. "Let me tell you this wasn't your fault. You shouldn't have let him in but he shoulnd't touch you either. You're brave to report this to us."

"Thank you." said Gun shyly.

"Okay, Baby please get in the car, I'll be right there in a minute." said Off while he opened the door for Gun then walked towards the officer. "Don't try to hit on him!"

"Calm down, buddy... I have a wife. I just wanted to make sure that he knows this. He needs to go to psychologist." said the man.

"I know, I already found a female one." said Off while he looked at his car where his lover was safe and waiting for him.

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