Chapter 13

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Gun couldn't breath. His chest was hurting so badly and his throat was dry. He wanted to open his eyes to see his boyfriend but he was too tired to do that.

"Babii, are you awake?" asked Off while he grabbed Gun's hand. He was there with the boy since dawn and he couldn't sleep. Sometimes Gun was shouting in his dream and this made Off very worried. He knew his tiny boyfriend had a nightmare, but he couldn't wake him up. The doctor said his lovely had a panic attack and they asked so many questions from Off, they hoped he know the answers but back than Off wasn't able to talk he was shocked. "You don't have to speak just open your beautiful eyes or just move one of your tiny fingers. Just let me know if you're awake..."

Off was about to cry. He was in pain, he wasn't able to see his lover like this. He was still in his PJs with his slippers. He didn't care how he looked like what was a big thing. He and his boyfriend were obsessed woth fashion. His hair was messy but he put right his boyfriend's hair. He knew that the tiny boy really cared how he looked like.

Gun moved his fingers and forced himself to open his eyes. When he opened it he saw his Papii whose eyes were teary and he was shaking a little bit.

"I'm fine..." said Gun with husky voice. "Calm down, I won't die or anything like that."

"A few hours before I thought you will..." said Off while he sat down on the bed and bend down to kiss his boyfriend. It was just a little kiss, not a hot one but it mean the world for them. Off slowly backed off and looked at his boyfriend. He forced himself to calm down because he didn't want to scare Gun with that what he was about saying. "You had a panic attack. The doctor said you have to stay here for a few days."

"It's fine." said Gun with a little smile on his face, but Off didn't smiled back. His face was worried.

"I can't stay with you, I have to go to the uni to write our names on the list in every single class." said Off while he stared at the floor. He felt guilty.

"It's okay, Papii. I'm not a baby..." said Gun with a forced smile. He didn't want to stay in a hospital alone. "You had a life before me and you still have a life what you have to live."

"Babii, you're my life. I do this because of you. You can't miss the classes because of your scolarship." said Off while he looked at the clock on the wall. "But you don't have to worry, I called New and he said he will take a day off and visit you. He'll bring your pet too."

"OK." said Gun while he looked at the clock. "You should leave. You have to get ready to go to the classes."

"I don't want to leave you alone after a panic attack." said Off and this was the moment when their friends entered the room. They were very worried. Off called New about 5 a.m. and told them they're at the hospital. He didn't say anything about why Gun had a panic attack. He just said that to the doctor and the nurse. They wanted to send Gun to a psyhologist but Off said the tiny one isn't ready for it.

"Gunnie!" New ran towards to the bed and hugged Gun. "What happened to you? Are you OK now?"

"I'm fine. Don't be this dramatic..." giggled Gun.

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