Chapter 27

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"What the hell, Gun?!" asked worriedly Off and ran into their room. "Why all of the clothes are on the floor? What are you doing?"

"I don't want to dress like a slut... I don't want them to say me that was my fault because I dress like this..." said Gun while he pointed at a photo in the room. His shoulder was revealed while Off was holding him closely by his hip.

"God!" shough Off and went to hug his boyfriend. "You never dress like a slut. You're cute and that's it. You're only doing that when I'm there because you know I like it..."

"But everyone thinks I'm a slut when I'm doing that." said Gun.

"For God's sake, just stop this." said Off and cupped Gun's face. "You're beautiful and even if you would dress like a slut, nobody has the right to rape you because of that. So please dress like you usually do."

"They'll say that's my fault." said Gun with tears in his eyes.

"Here." grabbed Off one of his hoodie from the piles of the clothes. "You can wear this. I know you'd like to wear my hoddie."

"Thank you." said Gun with a little, cute smile. "I love you."

"Love you more." said Off while he hugged his boyfriend. "Let me grab some clothes, dress up and we can go... I know you'll be fine."

Gun just nodded. He was reliefed to know that Off love him and said he can wear everything. He grabbed the hoodie and put on it. He had to smile. The hoodie had the scent of Off and it calmed him down a little bit. When they were ready they went down to Plum. When they reached the car Off opened the door for Gun. Before he could go to his side Plum grabbed him.

"That was so beautiful... I'm glad you're there for him." said Plum with a little smile. "I know this isn't the right moment, but I'm happy for you. You're so beautiful together and I hope it will last forever."

"Thank you." said Off and pulled Plum into a hug. "Let's go for now, my love is waiting for me."

"OK." said the girl with a smile on her face and watched as Off walked away from her to sit into the car, behind the wheel, right next to Gun.

Sometimes she was glad they broke up, but sometimes he was just jealous. He acted more kindly with Gun. He was really patient and extremely kind to him. Even if someone said a bad word about him he was all over the place to make a scene, exept it was his girlfriend... but now, when he was in a relationship with his best friend, well... he was way too more protective, but Gun needed this right now. A person, who protected him from everyone. Plum just shough and got in to the car. She forced a cute smile on her face and touched Gun's arm.

"You're beautiful and strong... don't forget that... never forget it." said and then let go of him to fasten her seatbelt.

"Thank you..." said Gun quietly. He never thought he'll say thank you to Plum ever again. "And sorry for being an asshole with you while you two were dating."

"I knew that you liked him, but still started to date him. I wated to hurt you because Off was always so soft and patient with you." said Plum while she looked at Off. "I knew that you liked him, even before you knew about it..."

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