Chapter 23

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"It's me, your Papii..." said Off while he caressed Gun's face."I'm not him, I won't hurt you... if you say stop then I'll stop."

Gun's breathing was normal again. He calmed down because of Papii's words, face, voice.

"I think..." said Gun with a shaking voice.

"Go on, Honey..." said Off with a smile on his face.

"We can continue..." said Gun and kissed Off. Off was right he cared about him and he would never hurt him and Gun was fine with that. Off added another finger and Gun tightened his grip on Off's shoulder. "Can you slow down a little?"

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, Babii." said Off and stopped with everything. He would never be OK if he hurt his boyfriend.

"It doesn't really hurt... I think it's just in my head... I need to calm down a little." said Gun and Off just nodded.

"OK." said Off and he gave little kisses on his boyfriend's lips, cheeks and neck. "As I said I can wait. Tell me when if I can continue or if I should stop."

"I love you..." said Gun happily and this made Off smile too.

"I love you more..." said Off and kissed his tiny angel. He knew this is going to be a really long day. Gun was a mess. He wanted his Papii but was afraid at the same time. He knew his Papii was rock hard and didn't wanted to make him stop. "I won't be angry if you say that you just can't... I can understand if you say that."

"Papii, I really want you..." said Gun and kissed his boyfriend passionately. Off started to lose his control again. He knew that he should just stop...

"Are you sure?" asked Off once again. Gun just murmured angrily something about cutting Off's dick off and started to move on his boyfriend's fingers. Off was done. He wasn't able to thunk the only thing he saw that was his tiny angel wants him right now. He quickly added another finger and kissed the other. He knew it was painful and wanted to delete all the bad memories from Gun's head with this sex. He wanted to make sure that he touches every single place where that asshole touched his boy. After a few seconds Gun was a moaning mess and his eyes were full of passionate. "Do you want my dick?"

"Please, Papii... just do it." asked Gun while he struggled to not moan.

"Say what you want exactly, Honey." said Off with a huge smile on his face.

"I want you to fuck me so hard that I won't be able to walk. I want you to make me yours, only yours..." said Gun with a sassy smile on his face. Off suddenly pulled his fingers out and positioned his dick in front of the tiny hole. He waited for this so long ago. Nobody was able to satisfy him since he had sex with Gun and finally he'll be satisfied again. "Fuck my hole open and cum in me, Papii..."

And that was it. Off eventually lost it. He moved so fast and didn't stop until he filled Gun's hole with his whole dick. Gun was trembling in pain and as soon as Off realised he regreted his decision.

"I'm so sorry..." Off hugged his tiny angel. "I just lost it... I lost it for a second... if you want me I'll stop."

"It's fine, I guess." said Gun with a shaky voice. "It was painful, but I wasn't afraid... because it's you... we can continue."

Off started to move slowly while he stared at Gun's face and caressed his chest. After a few seconds Gun seemed OK so he started to move faster. Gun's nails left red marks on Off"s back and this was the moment when Off realised... he doesn't want anyone else, he just wants Gun. He moved until he made his angel cum and he cum into his angel's hole. He stayed in him while Gun caressed Off's back. Off placed kisses on his boyfriend chest. They were so happy and peaceful. Everything was so perfect except one thing Off wanted to be that asshole in jail. Nobody is allowed to touch Gun.

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