Chapter 18

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Gun was a sobbing mess while Off was hard. He wasn't able to think. The only thing he could think was to make Gun his.

"Shhh..." said Off with a soft voice. "It's okay, it's just me..."

"Please, someone help!" shouted Gun, but Off covered his lips with his hand.

"Shhh..." said Off while he gave a little butterfly kiss onto Gun's nose. "You'll be fine. It's not him, it's me..."

Plum was still in front of the door and she wanted to break that fucking door. Off wasn't himself. He would never hurt Gun like this or in any other way. She grabbed her phone and called Tay.

"Hey?" answered the phone Tay. They weren't friends so he had no idea what the girl wants from him.

"Come to Off's house. He's not himself. He's going to hurt Gun..." cried the girl while she tried to open the door. Plum didn't know if Tay and New were on their  way or not. She just hoped that they believe that she said. "P'Off!"

"Plum, just go away!" shouted Off while he grabbed Gun's underwear to pull it down.

"Papii..." cried Gun while he grabbed Off's shoulders. He cried so badly and he was shaking. "You need to stop... I can't do this..."

"You can do it..." said Off while he pressed a kiss on the top of Gun's head.

"Everything I can see right now is him... I feel his hands again... please, just stop..." cried Gun. Off hugged him tightly while he patted his head.

"Just tell me everything... I need to know what he had done to you..." said Off with a soft voice. His plan worked. He wanted to know what happened to his tiny angel that night when he wasn't there to protect him. He have to force him to meet with a psychologist and they have to report that asshole to the police.

"I can't..." said Gun. His voice was shaking so badly.

"You can do this, Baby... you're stronger than you think..." said Off and he gave butterfly kisses to Gun on his lips.

Tay and New arrived and like monsters without questions they broke Off's door to see a teary eyed Gun who was cuddling with his boyfriend.

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