Chapter 25

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Off had to fight against his love of his life so badly. Even if Gun is tiny he tried to escape no matter what. Off realised how badly he fought with that asshole back then. When he was with one of his girls. He felt guilty. If he were there... if he were a better friend... if he were realising sooner that he is in love with Gun... then the tiny one would be OK.

"Gun!" shouted Plum, but Gun still slept. Off knew he have to do something to wake his boyfriend up. He grabbed the boy's wrists and turned him around just to face with him. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Sweetheart..." said gently Off while he caressed Gun's cheek. "It's your Papii..."

Gun was a shaking mess and he was sleeping. Off didn't want to hurt his Babii but Plum always did that she thought. Suddenly he slapped the tiny boy and he cried out loudly while he opened his eyes.

"Papii..." cried Gun and put his head on the crotch of Off's neck. The tiny boy became a little bit calmer when he was able to breath his Papii's scent in. It always calmed him down. Off put his right hand on Gun's waist and pulled him closer while rested his other hand on the his tiny angel's neck. He slowly kissed his lover on the cheek and peppered some kisses on his neck too. He wanted to let the other know he is right here. They didn't pay attention to Plum who was still standing next to the bed. She always knew that Off can be an asshole who doesn't care what the others think about him so she wasn't even surprised when Off forgot she is still there. "Please, don't leave me alone... never leave me alone."

"I won't ever leave you alone. I'll always by your side." said Off and placed some gentle kisses on Gun's cheeks and neck. Plum just shough. She always knew she wasn't the one for Off... the one who he want to spend his life with, who he want to protect and hold in his arms...

"Gun..." she said quietly. She wasn't sure if the boys would hear her. "I think we should go to the police station. I already talked with them and they want to talk with you."

"You did what?!" asked Gun with a trembling voice. "I don't think... I'm not sure if I should... I mean it was my fault too..."

"No, it wasn't." said Plum while she grabbed Gun's wrist to pull him out of the bed. "It was his fault and the police will think the same. You don't have to be ashamed, Gun..."

"But I'm a man... I should be able to..." said Gun, but Off interrupted him.

"Love, you know that you're tiny and that's OK. Some bad people take the advantage from it but I promise nobody is going to even touch you anymore if you don't want to. I'll make sure they won't even look at you." said Off while he stood up slowly and placed Gun on the top of the bed. "Now get dressed because we're going to the station and you'll tell the cops what exactly happened."

"I don't want to!" said Gun angrily and started to run towards the bathroom.

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