Chapter 12

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Gun was at the bathroom. He was throwing up and he was so grateful because Off didn't wape up when he left the bad. He had a dream about that night again. He felt himself so weak. He didn't want to show this side of his to Off. He thought his lover would be afraid. Afraid of the tiny one's thoughts and the things what he is doing right now too. He was a sobbing mess and didn't want to let Off see him like this. He was embrassed as fuck.

"Baby are you here?" asked Off suddenly. Gun jumped in his fear. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." said Gun with a forced smile.

"Did you throw up?" asked Off while he sat down next to Gun. The tiny one didn't answered and Off got frustrated. "I asked something, Gun. Just tell me the truth."

"Yes, I did." said Gun while he stared at the floor. "I'm sorry."

"You should tell me if you don't feel good." said Off while he grabbed the younger one's shoulder and pulled him closer. "Don't be so sad Babii. I love you and you can tell me everything."

"Are you mad at me?" asked Gun while he still stared at the floor.

"No, I'm not." said Off with a little smile on his face. He thought that it was his fault. He should notice what was going on. And that was his fault Gun didn't trust in him. He treated his tiny boyfriend - when they were best friends - like shit. He was always with his girls and didn't care what was happening with Gun. He wasn't there when Gun needed him. He felt guilty as fuck. "I can't be mad at you, because it's my fault what happened to you."

"No, it's not, Papii." stared Gun at his boyfriend. "I was stupid to let him in the empty house and I was too weak to protect myself."

"I was supposed to be with you." said Off while he placed his hands on his boyfriend cheeks. "You did nothing wrong. That bastard did a wrong thing, a very wrong thing..."

"But Papii...." sobbed Gun. "I was the stupid one...."

"I love you, Babii." said Off and he pressed his lips to the other one's. He deepened the kiss and pulled his boyfriend closer. He placed his hands to the tiny one's waist who sat to Off's laps. Their eyes were closed. They concentrated on the kiss, but Gun suddenly felt pain in his head. He heard a very high voice. He pulled out from the kiss and placed his hands to his head. Off stood up and picked his boyfriend up. "You'll be alright."

"Papii, it hurts." said Gun. His eyes were closed. "Do something, please..."

"Should we go to the hospital?" asked Off from himself and then looked at Gun. He ran to the livingroom and grabbed the car keys with the house keys. He ran out to the corridor and slammed the door behind themself. It was 3 am, but Off didn't care. His love was in pain and he had to go to the hospital right now.

When they arrived at the hospital he ran to the nurse's desk and stared at the nurse. The nurse stood up and leave her place to go closer to the patient.

"What is the wrong?" asked the nurse politely while she looked at the other nurse behind the nurse's desk.

"He is in pain. He threw up and he has a really bad headache. " said Off. He didn't realised he was shaking so badly. He just focused on his boyfriend.

"OK, Sir. Here is a wheelchair. Put him in it and while I bring him to a doctor you have to fill the papers." said the nurse while she grabbed the wheelchair.

"Papii, don't leave me..." said Gun with a shaking voice.

"Can I go with him?" asked Off while Gun grabbed his hand and hugged it so Off had to bend down.

"You can, just bring the paper with you." said the nurse with a worried expression.

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