Moving in and Making Friends

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"I just don't get why you have to move, I'm already missing you!" Your ex-roommate and friend practically yelled into the phone.

You sighed. "I think it's about time I lived by myself for a while and besides, it's not like I live too far for us to hang out. It'll all work out great." You didn't want to tell her the truth. You loved her but she was a handful and a little manipulative when it came to money. For the longest time, she had you convinced she wasn't making enough to cover all of her portion of rent and you shouldered the majority of the bills for a while.

Eventually you got tired of the abuse and decided to move out on your own. You were angry at her for a while, but she apologized to you by finding you a great deal on half of a duplex for rent. She even paid your deposit and first months rent, which was totally out of character for her.

It was definitely enough for you to forgive her. But it wouldn't have taken much either way, you had a soft spot for the girl after all.

"Fine." You heard her huff across the line. "We're totally having a party at your place when it's all set up though."

"Nami, you know I don't care for parties, especially when I can't leave them."

"Don't worry, it'll be fun! I'll have the Newgates take care of everything. You know how much they like to party."

You groaned internally. No one partied harder than the Newgates and when they had a get together, it usually ended in someone getting hurt, or worse.

"Nami please don't."

"Sorry, you're breaking up (Y/n)," She was 100% lying. "I'll talk to Luffy about it, plan for next week!" She hung up before you could say anything else.

You dropped your phone in the seat beside you and leaned your forehead against the steering wheel for a second. That girl was going to be the death of you. After a few moments you stretched and punched in the address of your new home into the phone. You were a little worried that you hadn't actually seen the place yet, let alone checked out the neighborhood, but Nami said it was okay and rent was cheap so you weren't going to complain.

You threw your little truck in reverse and backed out of parking space in front of your old apartment. The truck complained and jerked a bit as you put in in drive, but it soldiered on as you made your way to the duplex. It was a 20 minute drive that made you doubt Nami's choice the more time passed. The surrounding areas looked more and more sketchy until you reached your destination.

The duplex itself was in decent shape, it looked like it needed a new paint job and the yard was in desperate need of some TLC, but it looked okay besides that. The surrounding houses however, looked either dilapidated or like they'd be prime spots for drug deals and gang hideouts.

"I'm so going to kill you later Nami." You parked in the driveway and slammed the truck door shut. You were told the left side of the duplex was yours, the right was occupied by someone else so you did have a neighbor. As far as you could tell though, they weren't home. That worked for you, you weren't in the mood to socialize and had a lot of unpacking to do.

You fiddled with your keys until you came to the one the landlord gave you and slid it into the door of your new home. With a click, the door unlocked and it swung open. It was pleasantly surprising on the inside. You were greeted with the sight of a decent sized living space, big enough for a couple couches and a TV. Past that was a small kitchen with a little room for a small table. To the right of the living room was a short hallway leading to two separate bedrooms and a bathroom. Everything looked to be in nice shape.

You went back into the kitchen and opened another door there, leading out into your garage. You poked your head in there to find a nice open space with a couple empty shelving units.

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