Quit Your Job

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Kid and you had been laying in bed for a while now. He was on his back, legs sprawled out as you lay on top of him, chin resting right below his collar bone. You tried to get up at one point but your legs felt like jelly after he took you the second time, so you gave up and decided your lover's chest made a great pillow anyway. The two of you were enjoying the quiet and the afterglow of good sex.

"I guess I'm going to have to change up some plans now." You murmured, eyes half closed as Kid trailed a single finger up and down your back.

"What plans?"

"Well Law asked me to consider dating him again."

Kid stopped his movements. "And?"

"I already knew I wouldn't, not after what led to us breaking up in the first place. But I didn't tell him that."

He resumed his light touches, making you shiver as goosebumps formed. "So now you get to let him down, good."

You smiled. "You really don't like him do you?"

"He slept with you, so no I don't."

"Hmmm, well I'm going to have to tell him to find a different date to the Newgate party too."

"When are we going to that?"

"Next Saturday night. Gotta dress up though, it's more of a formal thing."

"Fuck that, let's just not go." He grimaced at the thought of wearing a suit.

"If I don't show up, one of the boys, or worse, pops will drag me to it kicking and screaming." You started tracing the muscles on his chest and arm with one hand. You've wanted to do that for a while but never got the courage to do it until now. His pale skin was smooth and warm under your touch, it felt just as good as you imagined it would.

Kid hummed under you and closed his eyes. "So you have to go?" His voice became more husky.

"Mhmm, and I have to take a date. If you don't want to go that's okay." You gave a mischievous smile. "But I'd be going with Law then."

"No you won't go with that asshole. I'll take you. Now stop touching me like that unless you want me to fuck you again, that feels too good."

You laughed and stopped your ministrations on his chest. "I won't be able to walk tomorrow if you do that, it's bad enough that I'll have to go to work with my neck as it is." He really did a number on you. Your neck and collarbone were covered in love bites. No amount of makeup would cover them up.

"Maybe I should fuck you again then. Gotta make sure everyone knows you're taken."

You scrunched up your nose. "No one bothers me at work anyway so I don't see the problem."

"I do. You have no idea how many men check you out on a regular basis. They piss me off."

"Well that shouldn't be a problem now." You giggled as you worked up his body so you were now face to face, a wide smile plastered across yours. You kissed him lightly on the lips, making him smile against you as well.

"You know, it may not look like it, but Killer and I make bank. You don't have to work if you don't want to, it may actually be better if you didn't."

You looked at him, puzzled. "Why do you guys stick around this area then? And what if I want to work? I'd go stir crazy if I wasn't doing anything."

"Cops don't come around here as much, too many dangerous people around the area. And you can come with Killer and I, see if we can find something for you to do in the workshop."

"I've never seen all that dangerous people around here. Maybe a couple druggies but that's about it."

"They don't draw attention to themselves, but trust me, there's worse people living around here."

You nodded. "Okay, so when will you take me to work?" You were filled with curiosity about where he worked and more of the details of what all he did.

"If you call in sick at the shop, I can take you tonight."

You thought about it. You'd feel guilty about lying to Corzon, but you had never called out before and it's not like it would be hard to cover your shift. "Sure, I'll shoot Corzon a text in a bit."

"Good." He bared his teeth as he grinned. "If you like it, you can quit the shop."

"So you're willing to pay my rent for me?"

"I wouldn't tell you to stop working if I wasn't. It's not like it's a lot of money anyway."

"It is for most people."

"I thought I made it obvious I'm not like most people."

You giggled again as you started crawling off him and out of bed. "You did."

Kid turned to lay on his side as his eyes wandered up and down your naked form, watching you stretch on shaky legs.

"What?" You noticed his staring and put your hands on your hips.

"You're fucking hot, that's what."

You blushed at the straightforward compliment. "Bite me."

"Oh that can be arranged." He smirked and approached you quickly until his body was flush against yours. Your breath hitched in your throat as he lowered his face to yours and whispered. "But it'll have to be later."

And just like that, he moved away and started going through your dresser.

"What are you doing?" You peeked over his shoulder as he started pulling clothes out of the drawers.

"Finding something for you to wear short stack. I doubt you want to ruin your pretty clothes." He said the last part sarcastically.

"Right, you've already started doing that for me."

"It was one shirt."

"It was a nice shirt." You snatched the pile of clothes he offered you playfully.

"Whatever, get dressed, I'll be back in a second." You admired the view of his well toned back and ass as he walked away, probably retrieving his own discarded clothes from the living room.

You checked out what he picked for you; a pair of your well worn blue jeans, a black tank top, a thin (f/c) tee shirt to go over it, and for some reason a matching set of lacey bra and panties. He probably had plans for later.

You quickly threw on the clothes, pulling the tee shirt over your head as Kid walked back in with pants on this time. "Where's your coat?" You questioned.

"Next door, we'll get it before we leave. Do you have a pair of work boots? Or at least something besides sneakers?"

You opened your closet and rummaged around for a second. "I have these?" You showed him a pair of ankle high boots. They were by no means work boots, but they were better than anything else you had.

He sighed. "That'll work for now. I'll get you something better later. Let's go."

With that, you shot your boss a quick text telling him you wouldn't be able to make it in and followed Kid out the door.

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