The Party

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The day of the party came around and the place was already packed with people helping get set up. Killer agreed to let you use the entire shared backyard space and he even came over to help place tables and cook. He brought Kid over of course, who spent most of his time wandering about with Abel trailing after him. The dog had somehow managed to get very attached to the man, even if Kid ignored him most of the time. You'd seen him reach down to pet him or give him a scrap or two on more than one occasion when he thought no one was watching.

All the Newgate boys came over with enough food to feed an army and your friend Zoro brought an equal amount of beer. When other people started showing up, Thatch, the oldest of the Newgates, and Killer took over grilling. Soon everything was in full swing.

You were a couple drinks in when Nami found you. "(Y/n), how's the new place going?"

"The neighborhood is questionable, but the next door neighbors aren't half bad." You motioned to Killer who was swatting Kid's hand away from the food on the grill.

"I think you got one hell of a deal. With those two hanging around I bet no one bothers you, they look like a couple of body guards or something!"

You giggled. "They're more of a couple mechanics actually. They fixed up my truck for me."

"Look at that, (Y/n) is making friends." She joked.

"How about you? Found another roommate?"

"Of course! Robin decided she wanted company so her and I live together now."

You nodded happily. "Good."

Nami stared at you before slamming her hands on the table you both sat at. "I think we need some more drinks. Do you have anything harder than beer?"

You smirked at her. "What kind of question is that? Of course I do!"

She followed you into the house where you pulled out your stash of hard liquor and the two of you brought it all outside to one of the tables. Nami went back in and brought a handful of shot glasses out with her.

"Now it's a party!" Zoro roared from across the yard as he eyed a bottle of sake on the table. "(Y/n), wanna try out drinking me again?" He was already looking pretty flushed so you figured you had a shot.

"You're on mosshead!"

Zoro sat across from you as Nami pour each of you a shot of tequila.

"Hey, I wanted the sake." Zoro glared at her.

"Apparently it's tequila tonight Zoro." You already downed your shot, shuddering at the taste. It wasn't your favorite but you'd take it. "Keep up!"

Zoro quickly followed suit and Nami poured you each another. "Who wants to place bets for a winner?" She called as some friends began to gather around.

Kid stood behind Zoro. "I'll bet $50 that short stack gets her ass handed to her." He gave Nami the bills.

"Bite me Kid! I'm going to win." Ace whooped behind you, obviously in your favor.

People began handing in money to Nami left and right as the game started. The two of you were now on your fifth shot and you were starting to feel it. Your body felt warm and you were giddy with the idea of seeing Zoro passed out in front of you. You and him were grinning at each other stupidly as another shot was taken. It didn't even taste like alcohol anymore and it slid down your throat all too easily.

"Number 7 folks!" Nami poured the next shot as everyone around cheered.

You downed it quickly and felt yourself sway. You definitely felt dizzy but you weren't going to call it quits. Zoro beat you last time, you planned on winning now. Another two shots were poured and taken. Both you and Zoro were struggling now.

"Number 10! You two are going to feel great tomorrow morning."

You simply giggled at her comment, beyond talking properly. Right as you took the shot, Zoro's head hit the table.

"(Y/n) wins! Who's next?" Half the crowd cheered while the other half groaned.

"Fuck you Eustass Kid!" You jumped out of your seat only to fall back in the lawn, laughing your ass off as the world spun dangerously around you.

Kid crouched in front of you and scowled. "How the hell did you do that? You're practically half his size!"

"No clue." You giggled. "That's the first time I've won against him."

"Tch" he looked away before grabbing your arm and pulling you up back into your seat. "Stay put for a bit and try not to throw up all over yourself you drunk." He left to watch the new drinking contest going on between Ace and Thatch as you leaned your head on the table and closed your eyes. You heard Zoro snore softly across from you and you let loose another giggle.


"Short stack." you felt a finger prod your cheek and you smacked it away. Someone chuckled beside you.

"Short stack~" the finger poked you again and you let out a groan of annoyance.

"Go away." You mumbled into the table.

"Almost everyone has headed out, party's over." He prodded you again. You turned your head to see Kid sitting beside you, elbow resting on the table, hand holding his chin as he grinned at you. "Wow, you already look like death."

"I'm fiinnneee" you slurred, still feeling the effects of the alcohol.

"Sure you are, let's get you inside." Kid got up and tugged your arm. "You gotta help me here (Y/n)."

You forced yourself up on unsteady feet and moved away from your seat and into Kid, giggling madly the entire time. He grunted as you fell against his chest. Your hand crawled into his jacket and held on to steady yourself. He rested a hand lightly between your shoulders, unsure of what exactly to do with you now.

"You're going to have to carry her Kid." Killer slid past you two as he finished cleaning up.

"I know." His chest rumbled against you as his grip on your back tightened and he bent down to slip his other arm under your knees. As he lifted you up you squealed and laughed. Your let your head swing back and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Stop moving around so much."

"Yes sir!" You replied enthusiastically, closing your eyes as you felt him move. Soon you felt Kid stumble and let let loose a quiet string of curses.

"Abel, get out of the damn way. I almost dropped her." He nudged your bedroom door open with a foot and placed you lightly in bed. "You gotta let go (Y/n)." He peeled your arms away from his neck and straightened out.

"You're the best Kid." You giggled, eyes still closed.

"I just carried you to bed." You felt him yank off your shoes.

"And fixed my truck."

"Blame Killer for that."

"And I've seen you with Abel."

"No you haven't."

"Bullshit." You rolled into your side with a smile and peeked at Kid. "You love Abel and I know it."

He had a small, genuine smile on his face as he crouched down to be eye level with you. "Don't say shit about it to Killer or he'll never let me forget about it." His breath smelled of beer and barbeque, the faint smell of motor oil lingered under that. His usual piercing gaze now had a softer feel to it.

"I won't say a word." Your heart jumped in your throat as he leaned forward slightly.

"Good girl." He stood up and ruffled your hair before leaving your room.

"Don't forget to lock the door!" You called after him.

"I'm not a fucking idiot!"

There's the Kid you'd grown to know.

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