The Non-Murdering Sort

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After many hours of you working and explaining to Corzon how your neighbor wasn't a murderer out to get you, he eventually agreed to let Killer take you home. Though he did raise hell again at one point once you told him the man's name was indeed, Killer.

As the man in question waited outside in his truck, Crozon followed you to the door, still nagging at you like a parent. "And I swear (Y/n), you gotta pay better attention to the people around you! Next time you need a ride call me, I promise it won't be a big deal!"

"Okay, okay, I can do that."

He leaned against the door frame as he held the door open with his foot. "Take care of yourself, you have the next couple days off so get yourself unpacked and settled in. And text me when you get home so I know he didn't kill you and dump your body somewhere."

You giggled. "Aye aye captain." You couldn't complain about his nagging too much, most bosses wouldn't care as much as he did. "I'll see you later!"

You bounced over to your ride and hoped in. "Thanks for picking me up."

"No problem, thanks for the coffee. I don't know what magic you do here but this is the best place in town for it. It's mine and Kid's favorite."

"Really? He told me he only comes here once in a while after denying coming here at all."

You saw Killer's body shake and realized he was laughing silently, the corners of his lips slightly upturned. "No, he loves it there. Hates dealing with the people though so he usually does the drive thru."

"Ohhh, that's why I haven't seen him before. I work behind the counter usually."

"So what's the deal with your boss? It sounded like he was giving you hell."

"Oh that." You shifted around in your seat. "He, uh, didn't like that you guys were giving me rides today. Said I didn't really know you guys so it was a bit on the sketchy side."

His lips twitched up into a small smile again for a split second before returning to a neutral expression. "I don't blame him. It's usually not a good idea to be taking rides from strangers, neighbors or not."

"Hey, you insisted!"

Killer nodded. "You're not wrong." He parked in the driveway. "Okay, so I think I found a couple issues with your truck but they're pretty cheap to fix."

"Sounds good, just tell me what I need to buy and I'll hop on it."

Both of you got out and you noticed your truck had been moved into Killer's now open garage. The hood was up and from the cursing coming from under it, you guessed Kid was there. You peeked into the garage to see what he was up to.

"You can come in." Killer waved you forward. "He usually doesn't bite when he's working."

The garage was full to the brim with tools scattered around among boxes and your little vehicle. "This is a shitty truck short stack." Kid called from his spot.

You frowned, placing your hands on your hips. "Don't hate on my baby. And who're you calling short stack?"

"Your baby is a piece of junk, why do you even have a Ford? And you're short stack, short stack." He looked up from his work and smirked at you.

Killer cut in before you could find something snarky to say in return. "If you want we can go get the parts while Kid finishes up here. We can have this done by tomorrow afternoon I'm thinking."

"Sure, can you do me a favor and swing by the bank too? I promise I'll be quick."

"Yeah, we can do that."

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