What Are We?

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Kid stayed until he had to leave for work. He chased you off to bed as you were practically falling asleep against him after an intense make out session. Once he had you burrowed under the covers he gave you one last kiss as he got ready to head out.

"Do you work tomorrow?" He asked from the doorway.

"No...." You murmured into the pillow, exhaustion setting in from the day's events.

"Can I come back here later?" He asked softly.

You nodded as your eyelids became heavy. "Mhmm."

He chuckled as he watched you fall asleep. "I'll see you later then short stack."


When you woke up you weren't sure what to expect. You somewhat remembered telling Kid he could come back over after his shift, but you didn't think he'd climb in bed with you. His coat was laying on the floor in front of the bed and the man himself was wrapped around behind you, snoring softly. He had an arm around your waist, gripping you tightly, and his face was pressed firmly into the nape of your neck. His breath tickled your skin and you swore you felt something wet too, like he was drooling.

Your first instinct was to throw yourself out of the bed, having not planned to sleep with the man. Your second was to turn around and snuggle up into his arms. Though the drooling was gross, you couldn't deny his warmth was inviting. After a short internal struggle, you decided to accept your fate and let him sleep as he was, you could give him hell for it later.

You woke up again a few hours later, now on your back with Kid halfway on top of you, still asleep. His face rested just above your breasts and you could now say without a doubt, he was drooling on you. Despite that, he still looked handsome. His usually styled hair was now tousled with sleep and covered his eyes. His bare chest rose and fell against yours at a steady pace and you took a minute to admire his muscular back.

One of his hands twitched beside your head and the fingers curled slightly into your (h/c) locks. A long sigh escaped his lips as his eyes slowly opened. His peeked through his hair up at you and raised himself off of you slightly, just far enough to bring his face up to meet yours.

"Morning." His voice was husky. You blushed deeply at the sight and sound of him. His amber eyes held a look of contentment with a hint of what you guessed was lust. He wore his signature smirk but it was a little different than usual.

"Kid," you gulped and his smirk widened into a grin. "Are you wearing lipstick?"

He quickly frowned and raised a hand to his lips. "Huh, must've forgot to wash it off."

"I'd love to question you further about that, but can you get off me please?"

"And why should I do that?" His head dipped back down and his lips brushed against yours. "What if I want to spend some quality time with you?"

The suggestion was obvious and while romping around under the sheets with Kid sounded like one hell of a good time, you weren't sure that was exactly a good idea. "I'm going to have to pass on that Kid." You spoke against his lips.

He frowned and sat up, making you miss his warmth immediately. "Why?"

"Look, I'm glad we made up and everything, but that'd be moving a bit too fast for me. I need a little time before that."

He sighed but nodded and got off the bed. "Fine." He grumbled as he picked up his coat and shrugged it over his shoulders. You sat up and stretched, groaning happily as your back popped.

Kid grabbed his boots from the side of the bed. "Coffee?"

You gave him a lopsided smile. "Sure, lemme shower and change and then we can go."

Seeing Red (Kid X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now