Straightening Things Out

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You collapsed into your bed once you got home. Kid followed behind and laughed at the sight of you face down in the matress. "You should shower first kitten."

He was probably right. But you were too sore and tired to care. "I'll shower after I get some sleep."

"No you won't. You're doing it now." You were confused for a split second, that is until he roughly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. "Let's go."

"Hey! Let me sleep!" You reached towards the bed but it was too late. Kid carried you to the bathroom, putting you down once he closed the door behind him.

"Strip." He commanded as he shrugged off his coat and kicked off his boots.

"W-wait, I'm not showering with you." You shook your head and folded your arms over your chest stubbornly.

"I've fucked you twice already kitten. I've seen everything already so just do it."

For some reason, you still didn't want to. maybe it was because he was trying to boss you around in your own damn house. Soon he was naked before you, frowning as his lips twitched in annoyance.

"Am I going to have to make you listen?"

"Bite me Kid, I wanna sleep."

"That first part can be arranged." He licked his lips as he approached you slowly, towering over your small frame. You moved back with every step he took until your back was to the wall and his naked chest pressed into you. "Now take of your clothes before I do it for you."

You opened your mouth to say something smart back but he knew what you were going for. With one quick motion, he took off your top layers and reached behind to unclasp your bra. He then grabbed your jaw and roughly kissed you.

His free hand moved to your jeans and jerked them down. He was lucky they fit loosely. You ran your hands up his chest to around his neck. So much for going to sleep, he already had you hot and bothered.

Kid pulled away from you suddenly. "Now finished getting your damn clothes off." He started getting the shower going as you struggled to remove your boots and jeans the rest of the way.

He was already cleaning off when you peeked in. His back was to you as he ran his fingers through his blood red hair. Muscles rippled along his back and shoulders while his arms stretched and moved. You could feel yourself drooling with how good he looked.

You hopped in and he turned to face you, body wet and hair now hanging low in his eyes. "Didn't take much manhandling to get you in here." He smirked at you as he dragged your body under the stream of hot water.

You groaned involuntarily at the feeling of your muscles relaxing. "Maybe showing was a good idea."

"Fucking told you." He snickered.

Unfortunately he left you hanging a bit and didn't go further with any heavy petting. You showered in silence together until you felt like you'd managed to get all the grease, oil, and sweat off your skin. Once done, you threw a white, fluffy towel at Kid before taking one yourself and wrapping up in it.

"Now can I sleep?" You felt ready to pass out from exhaustion.

Kid tucked the towel around his waist before answering. "Go ahead, I'm going to raid your fridge and then I'll join you."

"Are you planning on living here now?"

"Why wouldn't I?" He kissed you lightly before heading to the kitchen. "I've got you here and Killer next door. Doesn't work any better."

You sighed as he sauntered off. "Whatever."

The bed did feel even better now that you were clean. You let the towel slip off of you and curled up under the sheets. Your hair was still damp but that didn't matter. Sleep was more important.

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