What's Work Without it's Challenges?

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It'd been about a month since work with Shanks started and things were busier than ever. After a week of good income, Shanks upgraded you guys to bigger, more high dollar guns. You could confidently say you could put together an array of pistols, rifles, and shotguns with your eyes closed. It wasn't exactly a useful skill, but it'd be a great conversation starter.

When it came to picking up or delivering  loads, it rotated between Kid and Killer, and Heat and Wire. They didn't want any other the crew picking up the important stuff. On the same note, they didn't want you included either. But that was more for a safety measure as Killer would say. If anyone knew what was being transported, you'd be put in some serious danger.

If other gangs knew, they'd be doing what they could to "commandeer" the supplies for their own use. And as for cops, well, if they found you with something like that it'd blow up into a huge mess of serious jail time and Kid blowing a gasket. So you weren't involved in that.

It didn't stop you from wanting to help out more though. Nothing bad had happened yet and you doubted anything would. Kid left all the major planning to Killer and you knew exactly how careful he was. No one stayed better informed and was as meticulous as he was. Because of that, you trusted him to make sure things always went well and made it a habit to bug him constantly about letting you tag along at some point.

The first time you casually mentioned helped deliver a load, Kid was in hearing range and came completely unglued. You hadn't seen him so adamant about something since the first time the police were at the duplex. Every time you tried to talk he'd cut you off with a firm "no" until both of you were in each other's faces, arguing like a couple children.

He knew there'd be a day when you'd want to help with the riskier jobs, but he didn't want to believe that day had come so soon. You could understand his worry, but at the same time you thought he needed to have more trust in you and Killer.

Either way, that day ended with you two glaring daggers at each other and keeping the talking to a minimum until you got home. It eventually turned into an aggressive love making session followed by Kid listing half a million reasons why you helping with that was a bad idea. You dropped it at that point. While the both of you were stubborn, this was one thing you decided to wait to try getting him to see your side again.

It didn't stop you from bothering Killer about it though. The poor man knew his boss and friend's standing on it so even if you'd find great reasons to do more, it always ended in him telling you no, simply because Kid did. Unfortunately for him, you were a one woman army dead set on getting your way. Persistent was one word to use for how much you nagged at him, but you could tell he was beginning to have a harder time telling you no the more you talked to him about it.

Today was another day at the shop with you putting more guns together. Wire taught you how to do each kind and he was damn good at it. But it was obvious that he was a little intimidated by how fast you were, he had a hard time keeping up. At first, he thought you had to be skipping steps and missing pieces, but that was never the case. He still refused to admit that you were better than him at it.

"Kid, we gotta do another drop off." Killer said as he snagged a finished rifle from you and added it to a duffle bag of others, zipping it up smartly.

"Can't." Kid poked his head out of the office. "I gotta meet up with Shanks to discuss some things. Take Heat or Wire with you."

Killer sighed. "Heat's out for other work today and Wire...."

You glanced at Wire. He was at the same fold out table as you, fumbling with a few different pieces. He was sicker than a dog but still insisted on coming in to help despite being told he should just stay home until he felt better. The giant man was swaying lightly on his heels like he'd topple over at any second and his skin was three shades paler than what looked healthy. You could tell his mind wasn't quite there and if anything, he belonged in bed, sleeping this off.

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