Catching Up

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"I really don't think messing with those drugs is a good idea." You warned Kid for what felt like the hundredth time.

It'd only been a couple days since Shanks proposed he join in on selling them but you had a bad feeling about the substance. Nothing good would come from it and it didn't just have to do with the fact that it was illegal. You could feel it. Your gut told you bad things would happen.

"I'm still thinkin' about it." He grumbled from his spot in bed.

The man woke up a little grumpy since you got up to get dressed. He wanted to lounge around all day before going in to work again but the boys wanted to see you. It felt like forever since you last saw them all together. So he was scowling away at you, on his belly with his arms tucked under a pillow and face pressing into the bedding. His hair was all kinds of messed up, sticking out every which way. That happened every time he went to bed after a shower and it's always a pain to tame in the morning. It doesn't surprise you that he often defaults to using goggles and bandanas to keep it all out of his face instead.

"I'd rather you just tell him no." You said, tugging a shirt over your head.

Kid sighed in disappointment as soon as it covered his view of your chest. "Doing it will open up a lot of opportunities for us. Why can't you just come back to bed?"

"I promised the guys I'd meet up with them for lunch, I can't bail now, I don't think Marco or Thatch would let me. And as for opportunities, you know there will always be more in the future. I've just got a bad feeling about this."

You sat on the edge of the bed with your back to him, tugging on your boots. They were your work pair and you'd gotten into the habit of wearing them almost all the time.

"I'll have it figured out by tomorrow." Kid slipped an arm around your waist and dragged you down to the mattress. "Don't worry about it too much, I know what I'm doing and it'll all be under control."

He gave you a confident smirk before dipping in for a kiss.

"Now when you get back, we'll spend some time... fuckin' around." He snickered.

"Hmmmm, it has been a while." You giggled.

Since he'd been working with Shanks, there wasn't much time to get intimate. Everything at the auto shop was hectic on a regular basis, especially now that the snitch on Shanks' side had been caught. Work was in full swing. And when Kid wasn't there with you and the crew, he was often with the other redhead himself, learning other useful skills he could use in the future.

"Yeah it has." He grinned. "Now go get this done so you can hurry back here."


"Over here yoi!" Marco interrupted the hostess that had your attention.

He was sitting at a table in the middle of the restaurant with all his brothers around. They all smiled at you brightly, arms waving as they flagged you down. The hostess noticed them as well and she gave you a nod and a giggle.

"Yeah, that's my table." You blushed as you excused yourself and walked up to the men. They were drawing the attention of half the restaurant.

"(N/n), there you are!" Thatch pulled out the empty chair by him for you to sit. "How ya been?"

"Good." You took the offered seat. "How about you guys?"

There were no menus laying about so you assumed they already ordered. You didn't come here often, but every time you did you ordered the same thing and everyone but Luffy knew it by heart. So it was safe to assume they ordered for you as well.

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