Silent Treatment

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The next few days were rough. You avoided Killer and Kid like they were the plague.  Any time one them tried to approach you, you'd slam the door in their face or just push them away. You may be acting childish over the whole ordeal but you were angry. You didn't care that they didn't tell you about something important in their lives, you cared that Kid took his anger out on you and then tried to act like nothing happened.

As much as you missed your interactions with him, you didn't want to make him feel like he didn't do anything wrong. You'd fallen into a new normal. You'd go to work, noting that their schedule never changed. You'd come home, getting inside as quickly as possible while Kid jumped on the chance to try to talk to you. You'd brush him off. Rinse and repeat.

Killer tried to talk to you at first too, but he had settled into watching Kid fail through his blonde locks like it was a scheduled daily program. He'd sit back in a folding chair he placed at the corner of the garage, beer in hand as he casually reclined. His head would follow you as you marched home and Kid as he desperately followed behind you, hoping you'd turn around and listen to him just one time. You couldn't lie, it was beginning to wear on you.

A week after the event, the usual scene played out, ending with you inevitably slamming the door in Kid's face. You threw yourself into your couch and Abel curled up beside you, sensing how tense you were.

"Hey you big baby." You cooed softly as you massaged his face. "I missed you today."

He whined in response. You could tell he missed Kid too.

"I know big guy, just let mama throw her tantrum."

Someone knocked at the front door. You frowned, this wasn't part of the new normal. You got up anyway and leaned against the door. "What do you want?"

"Talk to me (Y/n)." Killer called from behind the door.

"Why? So you can get pissy too and yell at me?"

"No, so we can get over this like actual adults. Kid has been a complete pain in my ass since you stopped talking to him. You two are a fucking mystery to me but he holds some sort of feelings for you. Talk to me so I can take care of him."

It wasn't by any means the answer you expected. So you opened the door. "Fine, let's talk."

Killer let himself in and you shut the door behind him. You turned and leaned your back against the door again. Killer stood in front of you, arms crossed, mouth set into a light frown. "I'm willing to tell you what the police wanted on the condition that you hear me through fully."

You laughed and shook your head. "Frankly, I don't care what you are doing that has them all riled up. What I care about is us getting close and then when something goes down, you guys treat me like a problem."

"That's not how it went."

"Really? So Kid didn't get in my face and yell at me over something I had no control over? I think if I would've said another word that day he would've knocked my ass out, and that's the best case scenario."

Killer looked away. "I really don't get you (Y/n). Your boss was right. You really are too trusting. And to top it off, you find the weirdest shit to get angry about."

"It's not weird to get angry about someone taking their emotions out on you, especially when it's someone you care about."

His head snapped back to face you. His lips were slightly parted and you bet if you could see his eyes right now, they'd be looking at you with surprise. "So you do care about him. Why hole yourself up every day then? Why not deal with him (Y/n)?"

You sighed and dragged a hand through your hair. "Honestly? I'm afraid I'll say something that I've been trying not to for a while now."

He nodded. "If you're afraid he'll reject you, you're wrong. Since the day I made him take you to work you've been just about all he talks about." You moved out of the way as he went to open the door. "And by the way, he used to never hang out here that much until you came either. He has a hard time saying what he feels so he acts out on it instead. I hope you understand."

The door clicked in place behind him as he left. You really were dense. Nami saw it, Killer saw it, hell, you wouldn't be surprised if literally everyone but you saw how you and Kid felt about each other. It was frustrating. You didn't know how to handle your feelings for a while now, but Killer had the answer you needed in seconds.

You sat back in the couch and buried your face in Abel's coat. He sat still for you, only moving to nuzzle your face on occasion as you tried to get yourself in order. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and found Kid's number. He and Killer gave you their contact info 'for emergencies' as they put it. For the past week, Kid had been texting and calling you constantly, leaving you long voice mail messages and even longer texts. You gathered up the courage and sent him one short text.

Do you want to come over?

You heard scrambling outside your door in record time followed by a hesitant knock. You moved to answer the door for the second time that afternoon, this time on shaky legs as your nerves kicked in. With a deep breath, you opened the door to the sight of Kid. He was breathing quickly and his eyes flitted across your face as if he was trying to engrave every part of it into his memory. Like you might just slam the door in his face one more time.

But you didn't. And the two of you stared at each other wordlessly as his breathing calmed and you felt yours quicken. Finally, he pushed his way in, forcing you back as his large frame dwarfed yours. Once past the door, his hand swung back and closed it, his eyes never leaving you. His tongue darted out and licked his bottom lip before he wrapped an arm around your waist and closed the distance between the two of you.

Your chest was flush with his as he cupped his free hand under your chin and pulled your face up to meet his. His head dipped down, now inches from yours. His breathing had sped up again and you could feel it against your face. You could smell whiskey each time he breathed out.

And finally you found your voice, even if it was only a whisper. "Isn't it a little early to be drinking?"

Kid didn't respond, he simply leaned in closer and brushed his lips against yours, as if he was asking. Your hands found their way into his coat and gave a light tug, as if to say yes. And that was all he needed. His lips crashed against yours hungrily as his hand moved from your chin to the back of your head. His fingers tangled themselves in your hair as his teeth nipped your bottom lip lightly.

You let out a gasp as he backed you into a wall, allowing him the entrance he so desperately wanted to your mouth. His tongue worked it's way in roughly. There was no battle for dominance, just Kid's fiery mouth taking control of yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck to steady yourself as he pressed you further into the wall right before he broke the kiss for air. You were both panting heavily, a string of saliva still connecting you together.

Kid finally spoke through pants. "I'm sorry." He buried his face in the crook of your neck. "I was a complete ass. But fuck I've missed you. Can we just keep it to the usual banter? All that getting pissed off really messed things up."

You laughed as you ran your fingers through his hair. "Sure, we can do that."

His eyes met yours one more time before he pulled you in for another kiss.

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