Make Your Own Trail

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"I told him no." Kid started, accepting the beer Killer handed him.

The three of you along with Heat and Wire were all sitting together in a circle in Killer's garage. Kid decided to hold a meeting of sorts, mentioning he wanted to change some of his plans. Something told you they weren't quite changing though. More like he had something else in mind all along and was now getting ready to act upon it.

"We won't be selling any of those drugs he's got going on." He continued, sipping from his drink. "But something's going to have to change."

Abel sat at your feet, tail swishing side to side slowly as Heat reached over to scratch behind his ears. The guy seemed to be a big fan of your dog.

"Why?" Wire asked. "Income is better than it's ever been. Folks are starting to really know about our crew. Things are going smoothly right now."

"We need to get more aggressive." Killer shook his head. "This has been steady but it's not moving fast enough. People may know us but many still don't consider us to be a threat."

"You guys want to be a threat?" You raised an eyebrow. "Won't that draw more attention from the police?"

"Yeah but they have nothing on us. They can point fingers all they want, at the end of the day they still have their rules to follow." Kid smirked and leaned forward. "They can't touch us as long as we continue to keep things under lock and key."

" what's changing then?"

"Killers right, we need to be more aggressive and I think the best way to do that is make a statement with the yonkos. If we do something that they can't ignore, no one else can either."

"That's going to make things tense with Shanks." Heat commented as your dog clambered up into his lap. Of course he had no problem with that, holding him up so he wouldn't fall back down.

"That's fine, he's beginning to get monotonous. I'm sure he's taught me just about all he figures I'm worth and I'm sure I have enough information now to start moving up the food chain."

Now things were starting to make sense for you.

"So you're going to cut it off with Shanks and do something crazy enough to turn some heads?" You clarified.

"Exactly." Kid grinned.

You frowned. He was bound to want to gain some infamy eventually so you were prepared for this. But not to this extent. It seemed a little overzealous to try and gain the yonkos' attention. Those with more power than him like Doflamingo or Crocodile hadn't even done anything like that. And if they weren't willing to after being in the game for years, you were sure Kid shouldn't be doing this either.

Wire and Heat nodded along like it only made sense to aim for the biggest powers in the area first while you and Killer were silent. Both of you were mulling this over. You hoped he was on the same page as you.

"Kid, I don't think–"

"Alright, what's the plan for it then?" Killer said, cutting you off.

So much for him siding with you, that thought was quickly shot down. You pursed your lips at him and sent him a glare that had him shuffling uncomfortably in his seat.

"I think this needs to be thought over some more." You said, crossing your arms. "Anything you plan involving a yonko is going to be very high risk. I'm talking someone can and will die if things go wrong, and there's a high chance that is exactly what will happen."

"What, don't think we can handle ourselves?" Kid shot back. He never liked being told he shouldn't do something and was ready to argue with you on it. You weren't going to back down though.

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