Nothing but the Truth

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Kid had never said anything more sane the entire time you'd known him. It takes two to tango.

It really annoyed you though because it meant he was right. You were being just as bad about this as him right now. You stared at each other for a minute. He was probably waiting for you to say something but you couldn't find your voice. So you just took in the view of the man crouching in front of you, still holding the sheets with one hand.

He had a light sheen of sweat covering his chest and face, coat no where to be seen. His hair was tousled and there were slight bags under his eyes. He ran a tongue across his still painted lips and his gaze never left your eyes, still waiting to hear your voice. You wanted to throw yourself at him so bad it hurt, but you knew it'd be wrong. He wasn't yours after all.

"Please," You watched his lips form the words. "please talk to me."

You swallowed back the tears that threatened to start but said nothing. You'd start crying if you did.

Kid released the sheets and reached for your face.

"Don't." You found your voice and of course a few tears escaped despite your best attempts.

He didn't listen, Kid doesn't take orders from anyone after all. He cupped your cheek and wiped the tears away with his thumb. "Don't cry, I don't know how to handle that."

"You really don't know how to handle much, do you?" You let him run his fingers across your face. You didn't realize how much you craved his touch until now.

Kid shook his head. "Just anything that involves you for some reason. Can I get you out of bed or something so we can talk?"

You didn't want to get up, but you still did, letting Kid grab your hand and lead you to the living room. He half sat, half layed down on the couch and pulled you into his lap. You felt stiff, everything in you wanted to lay against him and hold him tight. But it still didn't feel right.

"Relax." He rumbled against you as he brought you closer to him.

"Kid," you looked up at him. "We can't do this."

"Why not?"

You choked on your words before they finally came out. "You don't want to love me and I can't be with you if you won't even try."

He squeezed you so tightly against him that it hurt. Your cheek squished into his chest as more tears pooled around your face. "Don't talk about things you don't know anything about. I do love you, I wouldn't put up with you otherwise."

"Then why aren't we together? Why do you avoid touching me in public or even just around Killer?"

He breathed in deeply and then exhaled slowly, one of his hands rested on your head as the fingers tangled themselves into your hair. "The day the police came by, one of them probably talked with you. Told you that we were trouble. Well they were right. Killer and I do a lot of bad shit and we have a lot of people that would like to see us hurt or dead."

Kid leaned his head back and you watched his adams apple move as he swallowed. "I didn't want to show affection because I don't want someone to know what you mean to me and hurt you."

You twisted around in his arms so that your chest was flush with his and your face was now close to his. "I figured you guys were up to some stupid shit but I didn't want to ask about it before. I thought you would never give me a straight answer. But I guess I should ask now. So what do you guys do?"

Kid looked at you through half lidded eyes and smirked. "If I tell you, you're going to get pulled into it whether you want to or not."

"Will we still just be neighbors if you tell me?"

"Only if you want to keep it that way."

"Then tell me." You don't know when it happened, but somewhere along the line, you lost your sense of self preservation. The idea of getting into the thick of something dangerous enough to have the police breathing down Kid's, and now your, neck no longer scared you like it did in the past.

He chuckled and his whole body shook underneath you. "Fine, but I need a kiss first. Just in case you decide we're too bad of people to deal with and you never want to see me again."

You gladly pressed your lips against his without another thought. Kid instinctively moved one hand to your lower back while the other stayed tangled in your hair to help deepen the kiss. He ended it far too early for your liking though.

"Fuck," he breathed heavily. "Let me finish. I won't ever get to the point of you won't let me."

You wiggled around until you were able to sit up and straddle him. "Talk then." You licked your lips, savoring the taste of his lipstick.

"Killer and I can technically be considered mechanics, among other things." You nodded, encouraging him to go on.

"We have a crew, Killer helps me keep them in order but I run everything. Some of the men steal and tear apart cars to sell the parts later."

"Okay, I was preparing for worse than car jacking."

He raised a hand to quiet you. "That's the nicest shit we do. Some of the other men work more as loan sharks and we dabble in some other things."

"What kinds of other things?"

"Drugs, underground fights, hired protection for other unsavory people. I'm not too picky, whatever keeps my crew going."

"So, it's almost like a gang?"

"Yeah," he scratched his chin, staring at you with a puzzled expression. "I guess so, but we don't label it like that. It's just work that's in demand, I like certain parts of it so it keeps me entertained too. Does this not bother you at all?"

"Well," you put a finger to your lips as you thought. "It isn't my idea of a great career choice, but it's somewhat along the lines of what I thought you were up to."

Kid burst into laughter underneath you. "You really are something short stack. Really amazing."

You felt yourself blush. "Why? Because I'm not freaking out?"

"That, and because Killer was right about you. You are far too accepting of others. You knew we've been doing totally illegal shit and still didn't even care."

"Isn't that what you wanted? Me to accept you for who you are and what you do?"

"It is. But you have to understand we aren't the only people who do this stuff. There's competition and we all do whatever is necessary to get ourselves on top, even if that means hurting and killing other people. I've done my fair share of it short stack, and there's the chance that someone may find you worth hurting if you get too involved."

"Why should I worry?"

"Why wouldn't you? The competition won't make it quick or painless if they get a hold of you. If you're seen with me as my woman, you'd be a great way to hurt me. That is why you should worry. That's why I've been so careful around you. So if you want, we can be something more than just neighbors. But you'll have to accept that at some point, you will be in danger because of it. Of course I'd do anything to keep you safe, but I can't predict the future."

Kid ran a hand lazily up and down your arm lightly, fingertips barely grazing the skin. It finally hit you, Kid wasn't your next door neighbor's friend with anger issues. He was the head of a criminal group. Someone who has killed before and probably enjoyed it. You had this beast underneath you, asking if you could handle his way of life. If you were willing to risk it all just to be his lover. And oh boy were you willing.

"I want more from you Kid. I don't want to be some secret you keep from everyone. All I ask is that you help me help you instead of losing it all the time."

"I think I can do that." He gripped your arm suddenly and brought himself up to meet you. He pressed his lips against yours and kissed you hungrily. "One last thing." He spoke into the kiss. "I'm going to need to erase the thought of you with that other man this morning. I hope you're ready to be fucked senseless."

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