New Work

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"That's a lot of uh," You guessed. You were no expert.

"Yep." Heat said. "Let's start showing you how to put them together."

Kid and Killer were off picking up another load from Shanks' contacts so it was you, Heat, Wire, and the rest of the crew working together at the repair shop. You had no clue what to do with the tool and tackle boxes full of parts. Mixed in with them were normal tools and fishing gear parts. Hooks and lures mostly.

To someone who didn't know better, the boxes just looked unorganized. That was definitely you. But to the guys, this was a treasure trove.

"So what's first?" You picked out a few fishing hooks and set them to the side.

"First, we'll separate our parts from the junk. Then we start piecing it all together." Wire said.

"Now that, I can do." You said with confidence. Organizing wasn't hard.

There were enough boxes that everyone had a couple to work through. You worked pretty fast, separating tools that were haphazardly tossed in your box along with everything else. As far as you knew, every small piece was necessary so you made a few piles of whatever similar pieces you came across.

When everything was set out and ready to go, you even had the guys impressed. They acted like they'd never seen a regular person do a decent job organizing things.

"Okay." Wire sat on the floor across from you. "Pay attention and you'll have this down pretty quick."

He started walking you through how it all went together and you watched intently, asking questions here and there to make sure it made sense to you. Soon enough he had a completely put together handgun resting in his palm.

You were honestly surprised that's all it was. You were expecting something.... different.

"I didn't think we'd be making pistols." You took it when he offered it, flipping it around in your hands carefully, as if it could go off at any moment. Of course you knew that wasn't true.

"These ones have no serial numbers and no way to be tracked. And we'll probably get other weapons in future shipments. This is more of our test run, to make sure we can do a good job."

"I guess that makes sense." You handed the gun back and he placed it to the side.

"Now it's your turn. Show me you can put one together too."

"Can do."

Kind of. Wire had to help you on a couple spots you were stuck at. He guided you along with the smaller pieces when you'd forgotten exactly where they went or how they were supposed to fit together. But after getting a couple right, you were good to go and had the hang of it.

Now sure that you could do the work just fine, Wire went to work making more beside you. You were finishing up another one when Kid and Killer got back. Killer walked by with his arms full of more boxes while Kid moseyed through his crew, checking out what they'd finished so far.

"Hey babe." You smiled as his eyes met yours and you pushed an empty clip into the gun you just finished with. It went in with a satisfying click.

Kid paused as he looked you over. "You have no idea how hot that was."

"That I....put together a gun?"

"Hell yeah." He bent down and kissed you, slipping the pistol out of your hold. "And it looks like you're doing a good job."

"Wire's a good teacher."

The man in question nodded in your direction at the sound of his name. Unless he was giving directions or explaining things, he seemed to prefer keeping talking to a minimum.

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