Anger and Guilt

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"There's nothing more I can do for him." Law said, wiping the blood off his hands with one of the last clean rags in the house. "He'll survive but.... there's going to be some nasty scars."

Kid's brows twitched restlessly in his sleep. He was obviously in a lot of pain still, but you didn't have anything available to ease him. There were long gouges going down the left side of his face and chest you didn't notice before. You were too focused on the fact that he had lost an arm. There were a couple other slashes on his right arm, but they weren't as bad as everything else. At least his bleeding was stopped and he was stitched up.

"So, what now?" You brushed a strand of red hair out of Kid's face. The touch made him seem a little less restless, but only for a second. "He's still hurting. Does he stay here? How long until he's healed up enough to move? When will he–"

"Slow down (Y/n)-ya, let's go inside and talk for a moment."

You looked back down at Kid. The beast of a man was a pitiful sight, laying out on a cheap folding table in his friend's garage. It made you feel sick. He deserved better.

"I'll keep an eye on him." Killer pulled up a chair to Kid's side and managed to sit with some effort. He was pretty cut up too and you could tell he was by no means comfortable. But you both agreed Kid came first.

"Thanks Killer." You nodded.

"Do yourself a favor and get cleaned up too." He motioned to your shirt.

You'd forgotten about the mess you made of yourself and as much as you'd rather sit by Kid until he woke up, you knew there were other things that had to be done. If the police happened to drop by again and saw the mess..... Well, you'd have bigger problems to deal with.

"Yeah... I'll do that too."

Law let you back into Killer's place first and followed closely behind. When you settled in the kitchen, leaning over the sink to clean the blood from your hands, he started.

"I know I was distant at times. I wasn't always there for you, but this.... at least I wasn't pulling whatever illegal shit these guys are."

He stared at you angrily, fuming at the far off look you returned to him with.

"It was an accident." You murmured. "His arm got crushed under a vehicle that wasn't lifted properly."

You didn't care if it was an obvious lie. It was the story you and Killer agreed to stick with for the police and Law didn't need to be dragged into this more than he already was.

"You can lie to yourself all you want but don't you dare lie to me." He closed the small distance between you two, cutting the water in the sink off so you'd focus on him. "I'm not a real doctor (Y/n)-ya, not yet. But you still insisted on having me come here and fix him instead of going to a god-damned hospital like you should have. Only criminals would do that."

"Why'd you agree to help then? Why'd you put him back together?" Your voice was steady and it didn't quite feel like your own. The shock of everything still hadn't settled in but it would soon enough.

He sighed, dragging a hand through his messy black locks. "The same reason I tried coming back to you. I care about you still and I swear it will be the death of me."

You shook your head. "I owe you for this Law and I'll pay you back another time. But for now, I need you to forget about this."

"So that's it?" He scoffed. "I save his life and you want me to pretend nothing happened."

"For now."


"Law." You grit your teeth and glared at him. "Look at this, look at me." You motioned to the blood tracked through the house, staining the walls and cream carpeting. "I need time to clean up, to process all of this and figure out what I'm going to do next. Go home. We can talk about this again another time."

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