One Sweet Kid

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You leaned out the window just far enough to fire off a couple rounds at the car to your right. The first lodged itself in the front grill while the second managed to hit a tire. You didn't give yourself a chance to celebrate the good hit and jerked back into the truck cabin instead, narrowly avoiding returned fire.

As soon as the last shot passed the truck and bounced off the road, you were leaning out again and shot another three rounds. One took out the second front tire and it took the last two to hit a back one. You had two bullets left.

The car skidded around on ruined tires until it came to a sudden stop. The horn honked as the driver slammed a fist into the wheel angrily and you were left with just one more vehicle following you. The only problem was it was on Killer's side and right in his blind spot.

"I've got two shots." You said, hands trembling hard. It was more from adrenaline than fear now.

"Make them count."

Killer leaned back into his seat as far as he could and pushed you into yours with an arm over your chest. He then slammed on the breaks, the truck squealing as it suddenly slowed down.

You got what he wanted you to do. As the force of the vehicle losing speed pushed you into your seat, you snaked your arm under Killer's and pointed the barrel of the gun out his open window. While he slowed down, the men chasing you didn't and their car moved to almost pass you.

You couldn't see the tires from this angle and they weren't the best option to shoot at because of that. But you could see the men inside the car. Two men and two bullets. The math worked out. Your stomach knotted in on itself as you realized what you had to do. Killing wasn't something you thought you'd ever have to do and it was a shame that had to change so quickly.

The passenger faced you and Killer. He had a rifle of some kind pointed at you. The vehicle was close enough that you could make out some of the details on his face. A blue ball cap was pulled over his head but it didn't hide all the messy black hair under it. Equally dark eyes stared back at you but they weren't angry, just...firm. Like you, he had a job to do.

The last thing you thought about him as you pulled the trigger was how he almost reminded you of Wire. The shot rang out, shattering their window and hitting him right in the head. He immediately slumped over onto the driver, blood splattering all over him and the upholstery. The driver glanced at you, palpable fear in his eyes as you squeezed the trigger one last time.

His blonde locks were stained red, white shirt turning into some morbid tie dye as the car pulled to the side and crashed into a ditch. You managed to take care of the problem without having to reload. Kid would be proud.

The gun almost slid from your hand as your grip on it relaxed. You had enough of a mind about you to put it on the dash before it fell to Killers feet. He glanced between you and the road a few times, a deep set frown taking up his features.

"(Y/n)? You doing all right?"

"Yeah." You nodded as you stared blankly out the front window. The sun was beginning to peek up from below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange. "I didn't think I was going to kill anyone today is all."

"If it's any consolation, I didn't think you'd have to either."

He reached over to pat your leg and you ended up grabbing for his hand. He wasn't Kid but he was still your friend and you needed someone to hold on to while you worked through what you just did. Those people probably had friends of their own. Families too. And you just took them away from all that.

"I hate to be an ass right now, but I need you to reload that gun and put it back in the glovebox."

You nodded and gave him his hand back to pull out the box of bullets. It took all of a quick minute to reload the clip and get another bullet in the chamber. When you were done, you clicked the safety back in place and slid the gun in it's original spot. Killer didn't even ask, he gave you his hand back without a word and you took it gratefully.

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