Strictly Business

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"I'll be back in a bit. Finish getting ready or something." Kid and Killer were heading out the door. Kid was practically bouncing with excitement, a sight you'd never seen before.

"Where are you guys going? We gotta head out soon Kid." You had to be out the door in an hour and a half to make it to the party on time, it seemed a little late to be running an errand.

"We're picking something up, I'll be back in time, don't get your panties in a twist." He pinched your cheek and gave you a smirk before they hurried out the door. Typical Kid.

Now that you thought about it, he was excited about something when he got back from work yesterday. It was probably the same thing that had him acting so different, not that it was a bad thing.

You rubbed the spot he pinched and got to work finding what makeup to use. You'd gotten so much it was a little difficult to settle on what you wanted. In the end, you went with a smokey eye look, Kid would appreciate that. You glanced at the lipstick you'd bought yesterday. They were still on the table, Kid had decided to keep the burgundy one for himself, though he did admit he liked the shade of the other one as well.

You shrugged. Fuck it. You nabbed the burgundy one and applied it to your lips. It'd be fun to see how he'd react to you using his color. After doing your hair just how you liked it (Y'all can get creative with this), and getting dressed, you were all set. You felt good as you checked yourself out in the bathroom mirror.

The front door opened and closed. "Where's my suit?!" Kid yelled from the living room.

"Bedroom closet!" You yelled back as you made sure everything was just as you wanted before leaving the bathroom. Kid stomped by as you made your way to sit on a couch and wait for him to get dressed. He was too focused on finding his suit to notice you, but you didn't mind.

After a couple minutes, he came out of the room to stand in front of you, struggling with his tie. The suit was black, simple and straightforward, with a wine red shirt tucked in and the tie he was currently cursing at for not working with him, was white. "Please tell me you can fix this damn tie kitten." He cursed at it more as he managed to knot it up.

You giggled and started undoing the damage. "Of course I can." You felt Kid's eyes on you as you finished fixing the tie.

"Is that my lipstick?" He asked. Not the response you were hoping for.

You looked up at him. His eyes were wandering, taking in your form before landing on your face. "Yeah, I thought the color matched my dress well." You gave him a spin so he could fully appreciate it.

"You're damn right it does." He cupped a hand under your chin and lightly brushed his lips against yours. "I'm going to have to fight to keep the other men off of you aren't I?"

"So does that mean you like the dress?"

He gripped your lower back and pulled you into him, his amber eyes pierced your (e/c) ones. "That means that dress may not survive the night."

Killer was right, Kid was already fighting not to take you right now. You were going to have fun teasing him all night. You tried to change the subject so you could at least make it to the party. "So what did you have to go get from work?"

Kid tore his gaze from yours and smiled as he walked you to the door. "Want to see?" He opened the front door and motioned to the car in the driveway. You couldn't help but let out a gasp. It was beautiful. It had an older look to it, but it was clean with a black paint job and red detail.

"Is, is this your car?"

"Yep, I've been working on fixing it up for a while. Found it in a junk yard, all torn up and decided it was worth the effort."

He let you run up to it and check it out. You still didn't know much about cars, but you could tell this one was a classic. Both of you slid into it, Kid behind the wheel. The upholstery was just as luxurious as the rest of the car. "This is amazing! You did all the work on it?"

"Killer helped some but pretty much." He was beaming, proud of the reaction he got out of you.

"So what exactly is it?" Your question was a little vague, but he understood.

"1965 Pontiac Catalina 2+2, I probably put more into it than it's worth, but it looks damn good." He rubbed the steering wheel before starting the engine. The car roared to life and practically purred as it sat idle for a minute. "So I've never been to this place, you know where we're going right?"

"I sure hope I do. I hang out there on a regular basis." You rolled your eyes at him, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Alright smart ass, tell me where we're going then." He grinned, happy to be diving again.


Kid looked at you and back at the mansion. "Wait, so who's throwing this party again?"


"Who the fuck is pops?"

You sighed. "Remember the party we had at my place a couple months ago?"


"And remember some of the friends I had over? Luffy, Ace, Sabo-"

"Get to the point." He frowned at you, annoyed.

"Those are pop's kids. I thought you'd know about him, he's pretty popular in the area."

"What's his name?"

You sighed. "I don't see why all this is important. Edward Newgate."

"Wait... The Edward Newgate?"

"Yes..." You raised an eyebrow at him. "Is there more than one? It's not exactly a common name."

"(Y/n), did he tell you what he does for work?"

"He just told me he's a business man. He owns a ton of different businesses in this town and the next one over."

"That's it?"

You huffed and glared at him. "Why all the questions Kid? Does any of this matter? It's just a party."

"No, it's probably not 'just a party'." Kid hissed. "You said he was going to have a bunch of potential clients and shit here. (Y/N), he does the same kind of business I do, but on a larger scale. I'm small time compared to him."

It started to sink in for you. "So your saying pops does all this illegal stuff too?"

Kid grinned. "You bet he does. Everyone calls him Whitebeard, he's the head of one of the top gangs in the country. I'm honestly a little annoyed I wasn't invited to this."

He ran a hand through his hair as his grin grew wider. "Change of plans, we're here for business now. If I'm lucky I can figure out what all the yonkos are up to and start working my way to their ranks."

"Wait, yonkos? I'm still not sure about pops even doing this kind of stuff. What about the boys?"

"Talk to them about it, they're probably working under him. Makes sense at least."

This was a lot of information to take in. Pops has always been there for you as a father figure. He had always been a stand up guy, you couldn't see him as some kind of gang leader. You were still thinking it over when Kid came around to your side of the car and opened the door. You never noticed him get out.

"C'mon, we don't have all night!" He looked like a kid at Christmas. His face was lit up and he kept glancing over at the mansion, like he wanted to run in there and mingle with literally everyone. It kind of threw you off.

You begrudgingly got out of the vehicle and let him lead you to the mansion, your arm in his. "One thing though, why do they call him Whitebeard? He doesn't even have a beard."

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