Personal Day

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"Who the fuck is that?"

You woke up in bed to a low, angry voice. Your eyes opened slowly and squinted at the large form standing in the doorway.

"Wha?" You lifted your upper half up off the bed and the sheets slipped down your naked body.

"What the hell did you do?" The voice called again, this time a little louder.

Your eyes focused and the form took shape. Blazing red hair, sharp eyes, lips formed into a nasty snarl. His fists were balled at his sides as he stood stiffly, taking in the sight in front of him.

"Kid!" You gasped and jerked the sheets up to cover yourself. "I told you to stay out! Leave before I call the cops."

Law stirred from his sleep behind you. "It's too early to be making so much noise (Y/n)-ya." He peered over your shoulder to see the cause for the commotion. "You weren't joking. He really does invite himself over." He wrapped an arm around you and dragged you against his bare chest.

"I didn't realize you'd move on so quick, you wasted no time." He sneered at you.

"What I do is none of your business. You said so yourself Kid, we're just neighbors. So get the fuck out of my house."

He growled and stomped out view. You didn't relax until the front door slammed shut. "(Y/n)-ya." Law sat up the rest of the way and held you. "Are you okay? Should I call the police?"

You leaned into his grip, nuzzling into his throat. "No, he won't do anything. Kid's all bark and no bite. I'll text Killer and he'll keep him in line."

Law's grey eyes searched yours before he nodded. "Okay, I can keep you company today if you like though, just in case." He grabbed his phone off the nightstand. "It's still early if you want to go back to sleep, I'll skip class for the day."

"No don't do that. You don't have much school left, you really need to finish your classes. I promise I'll be fine by myself."

He sighed heavily. "Fine. But we're going back to sleep for a little bit at least. That is unless you feel up for another round?" You felt his already hard member twitch against your back as he kissed and nibbled your neck, adding more marks to the ones from the night before.

You felt heat begin to pool between your legs. The sex last night was amazing, probably since you'd gone so long without any, you loved the idea of an equally gratifying morning. "Hmmm, sounds like a good time to me."


After some vigorous lovemaking, you two took a quick shower together before Law had to leave for his first class. He stopped at the door before turning and kissing you. "I know all this wasn't expected and as much as I've missed your company I don't want to push you." You knew where this was going. "But if you want to try again, I'd love to make you mine once more."

"I'm not usually the one night stand kind of gal, so I'll think it over." You giggled. "But no promises. Don't get your hopes up, I've got some things I need to work out for myself."

He nodded and ruffled your hair. "You have my number, call, text, and I'll be here for you. See you around (Y/n)-ya." He left you behind in the quiet house.

It would never work with Law as much as you wished it would. If you tried again, it would end in the same way it did last time. When he first asked you on a date he was an absolute gentleman, the best kind of guy you could've ever asked for. But as the relationship went on, he became more distant. When you would bring it up, he'd become affectionate all over again but it would never last long.

By the time you broke up with him, he felt cold to you, unbelievably distant. Even when he made love to you, it just felt like he would go through the motions without a hint of real emotion for you. The relationship had to end because it was hurting you to feel so used. Though he felt warm and comforting now, it would never last if you gave yourself to him again.

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