Working Hard or Hardly Working?

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"Kidddddd." You finished your work for the night and leaned over your lover as he fiddled under the hood of one of the delivery trucks.

It was the one you and Killer took a couple weeks ago when you were attacked by the still unknown other gang members. There were a couple bullet holes that needed fixing besides the work he was doing around the engine but you figured he'd get to that soon enough.

"What?" He cursed as he cut his hand on some hidden part.

"Can I get new rims to go with the new tires on my truck?" You were due to have them replaced, the tires at least.


"I wanted something pretty."

He scoffed. "Why put something pretty on that old thing? How about I get you a nicer truck instead?"

"Ehhhhhh nah, I like my baby still."

"Of course you do." He stopped to give you a lopsided smile, leaning on the edge of the vehicle.

"It's pretty cute." Heat added as he pointed to your little truck.

Wire was currently sitting in it's front seat, hunched over with his knees shoved into the dash since he was too tall to actually fit. They were both checking it over as it was your first time bringing it by.

"It's a truck for clowns." Wire grunted as he tried to get out of it and almost fell on his ass in the process.

"That's something I can agree with." Kid chuckled.

"Is not!" You frowned. "Don't make fun of my baby."

"I thought Abel was your baby." Killer popped his head out of the office.

It was a relaxed day without any guns to process so everyone was working at a leisurely pace and taking plenty of time to chat and goof off. Things were staying like this until Shanks got to the bottom of who was giving out sensitive information on his end.

"I'll have you know I have three babies."

Killer thought for a moment before tilting his head slightly. "Alright, you got me stumped."

"My truck, Abel, and Kid." You giggled when Kid immediately scowled at that.

The other men had to stifle their laughter. Killer disappeared back into the office, closing the door behind him. You could see the silhouette of his form through the covered window. He was doubled over, hands on his knees as he tried to regain his composure.

Kid glared, point a wrench at you. "I'm no longer a part of that damn list. I'm not a fuckin' baby."

"Oh I beg to differ."

"You god-damned brat." He dropped what he was doing and threw you over his shoulder.

You let out a squeal of surprise but didn't fight him on it. It'd felt like ages since he last goofed off with you like this. And he'd never done it at work before. That thought reminded you that there were plenty other people around and maybe you'd want to rethink getting playful with Kid around his crew.

"Kid, not here!" You laughed as he prodded at your ticklish spots.

"Good idea, we can take this out to Killer's truck." He snickered.

"Don't even think about doing anything nasty in there!" Killer yelled.

"We'll clean up when we're done."

Only Kid would be willing to suggest fucking in his best friends vehicle at work. You weren't quite as keen on letting literally everyone you work with know exactly when you were getting intimate with their boss.

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