The Lovable Jerk

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Sabo was sweet about making sure you were all set before he let you go home. Your bags were placed in a large toolbox in the bed of the truck and of course Abel rode shotgun. You'd never make him ride in the bed, he was your loyal, furry copilot.

When you got home, it seemed Kid and Killer were there too but they were hidden away inside. You decided it was best to leave them be and just head in to your place for now. Part of you wanted to run over and demand to see Kid, but another part of you was almost afraid to hear what he'd say to you, if he'd say anything at all.

So you busied yourself hiding away in your place and cleaning it up. Two weeks away left it very dusty and long overdue for a proper clean. From what you could tell, Kid never stayed the night here at any point in those weeks. The bed was exactly how you left it, food had gone bad in the fridge since no one ate it, the TV remote was left in the same spot you had it. The whole thing made you a little sad to see.

Still, you were starting to believe things could be fixed. Killer and your brothers had you thinking that.

"I need to get groceries." You said with a sigh.

You still had access to Kid's funds but had refused to use them so far. You weren't about to do it now either. There was still other things in the house you could eat today and then you could ask pops or one of the guys about working for some income.

You were happy to find a jar of peanut butter hidden away in the cabinets. Eating it straight usually wouldn't be your first choice but food was food. You snagged a spoon and headed out to the backyard with Abel. He immediately took off to see if the neighbors would come out as well. He missed them. You took a seat in one of the chairs littering the back porch and started licking at a spoonful of your "lunch". Thatch would kill you if he saw you settling for this.

It was nice though, getting to spend time back at your place. The weather was perfect to be lounging around outside. The sun was out with just enough cloud cover for the shadows to create cool patches here and there. The slightest breeze kept the air from feeling stifling. Now if only Kid were willing to forgive you and enjoy the day with you. That'd make things even better.

You jumped when Killer's back door opened and the blonde stepped out of the house. He turned to see you and offered up a smile as he walked over, Abel hot on his heels.

"Hey stranger." You joked, nudging an empty chair towards him.

"Hey." He sat down with a sigh. "How've you been holding up?"

"I should be asking you that." You chuckled. "You and Kid....took some serious damage."

He shrugged. "I'm doing a lot better. Another couple weeks and I'll have my stitches taken out, so your friend says."

"Law." You nodded. He'd been a great help so far and seeing how Killer looked, he was really doing his best to fix up the men. You couldn't even tell Killer was still healing up at a glance.

"As for Kid, he's been in a shit mood since you left. But physically, he's doing better. Now tell me, how about you?"

It was your turn to shrug. "I'm here."

"That answers absolutely nothing."

"I don't have anything else to say. I've been waiting for Kid and I'll probably be waiting a while longer."

He looked you over for a moment, taking in the dark circles under your eyes, the slight frown you defaulted to, and the way your limbs moved restlessly. If an arm wasn't moving while you talked, you had a leg bouncing up and down like there were jitters you couldn't shake. Kid had made a mess of you.

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