Truck Problems

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The boys were rowdy as always but they were also efficient. All your furniture was set up in under an hour and they were able to unpack your entire kitchen even faster. Ace tried going through your clothes, insisting he was "helping" to which you threatened to kick his ass for. Sabo eventually managed to drag him away from your stuff while apologizing profusely.

"Are you sure you don't need any help unpacking anything else (n/n)?" Sabo asked.

"Nah, I can handle the rest tomorrow after work." You answered with a mouth full of pizza.

"Have an early shift tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I have to go in a couple hours before the shop opens actually."

"(Y/n), you know it's like, super late now right?" Ace said.

"Oh shit!" You snatched your phone off the coffee table and checked the time. "Fuuuccckkkk, I'm not going to get any sleep tonight!"

Luffy laughed as he shoved two pizza slices in his mouth at once.

"I think we'll head out then so you can get some rest." Sabo brushed off his hands and stood up, "If you change your mind and need any help tomorrow let us know." He smiled as he dragged Luffy behind him and Ace followed behind, taking the last pizza box with him.

You sighed as the house became silent. It was past midnight and you had to be up and at work by four. Great. Since you weren't going to get much sleep anyway, you decided to take a shower to wash of the days sweat before crawling in bed for a couple short hours.

The sound of your alarm going off absolutely sucked. You weren't ready to go to work but it's not like you could afford not to. You slipped into your uniform and fixed your (h/l) (h/c) hair to how you usually liked it. You worked at a local coffee shop ran by Donquixote Rosinante, or Corzon as he usually went by. He had you helping him take inventory today as you were the only employee who never complained about it. Thus, the early shift.

You snagged your purse and car keys, figuring you could make yourself a nice coffee once you got to work to help wake you up. You locked up and glanced around the driveway. Killer must have never came home last night, his truck was still gone. You were curious about your new neighbor and were honestly a little excited about having him check out your truck later.

You hopped in your vehicle and tried to start it, but the engine wouldn't turn.

"Not now." You groaned, it was too early for this. You tried again. And again. And again. "C'mon baby, you've got this. Start for me please." You gave the steering wheel a pat, as if that would encourage the machine to start up for you. You kept trying for another couple minutes to no avail.

Right as you were about to give up and call your boss, a set of headlights cut into view and Killer's truck pulled up beside yours. He lowered the window and motioned for you to do the same. You didn't want to lean over and roll the window down as it wasn't automatic, so you opened you door and poked your head out.

"Having problems?"

"Yeah, no worries though, I'll just call my boss, let him know I'll be late."

"Who the fuck is that?" There was another voice in the truck and you saw someone try to look around Killer from the passenger seat to get a better view of you.

"My neighbor." Killer turned to face them.

"You don't have a neighbor."

"I do now." Killer turned back to you. "I can help, how long do you work till?"

"Really don't worry about it, I don't want to be a pain." You'd really feel guilty if your new hot neighbor was stuck working on your car in the early hours of the morning.

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