The Best Kind of Thank You

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Don't know why but sex scenes take all day to write. Sometimes they are the bane of my existence. Sorry guys!

The first thing Kid did when you got home was pull out all your good hard liquor. It was a mix of whiskey, sake, rum and even a bottle of wine.

"Time to start drinking." He grinned, arms full of liquor bottles.

"Kid, I've been drinking." You flopped into the couch and kicked off your heels.

"Apparently not enough if you can still think straight. It's been one helluva good night and it's too early to end it." He placed the bottles on the coffee table before going back into the kitchen for shot and wine glasses.

"Can't argue there." You liked getting shit faced once in a while anyway. It kept life interesting.

It started with the two of you watching whatever was on TV while taking the occasional shot. But Kid began filling shot glasses as soon as they were empty and somewhere down the road it turned into a contest for who could drink more. Soon you were in fits of alcohol induced giggles.

You leaned against Kid for support, the room was spinning out of control, and your laughter only made it worse.

"Is that all you can handle kitten?" He chuckled and pinched your cheek.

"I could totally drink more." You slurred and grabbed for a shot glass.

"No I think you're done." Kid snatched it up before you could reach it and finished it himself.

"Ruuuudddeee" You frowned at him. "I wanted that!"

"Don't care. I don't need you throwing up, it'd be a pain in the ass." He leaned in closer until his face was inches from yours. "Especially when I want to fuck you."

"I'm surprised you waited this long for that." Somehow you managed to say without slurring your words.

"That makes two of us." His voice was now filled with lust.

Kid tugged at his tie and pulled it off. He pushed you down into the couch while he continued to undress himself. He threw his coat to the side and began unbuttoning his shirt, eyeing you the entire time.

As soon as his shirt was off, Kid straddled you and gripped your jaw tightly as he dipped in for a kiss. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, making you open up enough for his tongue to slide in. You tried to fight for dominance but you were too drunk and Kid quickly overpowered you.

When he pulled away, his hand moved from your jaw to your hair, tangling itself in your (h/c) locks and tugging your head back so he could have better access to your neck. He slowly ran his tongue up your throat before he began nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin.

A breathy moan escaped your lips at his actions and you jerked your hips up to grind against him, feeling his member already begining to strain against his pants. Kid grunted and bit down roughly on your neck, making you gasp at the sudden mix of pain and pleasure. He worried at the spot for a moment, making sure to leave a good mark before blowing cool air against it.

Kid gripped at the dress like he was getting ready to tear it and you had the last sober thought of the night.

"Don't tear it! I like this dress." You grasped at his hands and tugged them away from the fabric.

"I'd like it better off of you." He growled.

You huffed and sat up, pulling the dress up and over your head. It took entirely too much effort but Kid helped you halfway through and tossed it to the side. You giggled, wrapped your arms around him and kissed him. It took him by surprise. Drunk you was more willing to take initiative.

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